5 Ingredients or Fewer

Italian buttercream

February 15, 2014
4 Ratings
  • Serves 24 cupcakes/3 layer cake
Author Notes

When i discovered their wasn't an italian buttercream recipe on this site, I had to remedy that. I adore this icing, its not too sweet and perfect on any cake, or spoon! —CheffieEmily

What You'll Need
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 1/4 cups granulated sugar
  • 12 egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  1. In a very clean and dry bowl, whip egg whites to stiff peaks. Bring sugar and water to a boil. Occasionally use a pastry brush and cold water to brush down any crystals that form on the side of the pan. Boil for seven minutes over medium heat. Pour sugar mixture over egg whites, beat until cool to the touch, about ten minutes. It may be helpful to place this bowl under a bowl with a little cold water to speed up the cooling process. Especially if your kitchen is particularly hot. Slowly add the butter. Your buttcream may look a little runny or thin at this stage, but thats okay. Once butter is fully incorporated add vanilla. Beat until light and fluffy. It may look curdled, but this is also okay. Keep on mixing! This icing can be refrigerated for weeks, or even frozen for months. To get it back to be nice and creamy after being in the fridge or freezer, just mix it again, and it will return to its' creamy texture.

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  • Gary Moy
    Gary Moy
  • Malini Suryanarayanan
    Malini Suryanarayanan

2 Reviews

Gary M. April 22, 2022
Mine didn't taste like BUTTER at all!!! I think my psychic/mind-reader/fortune teller/ESP advisor, AND Ouija board are all frauds. They couldn't help me determine the amount of butter to use. They agree with me and Malini S. : THE AMOUNT OF BUTTER IS NOT MENTIONED!!!!!
Malini S. March 17, 2015
The amount of butter is not mentioned.