Author Notes
I got this recipe from a (Italian-American) farmer at the Union Square Greenmarket who specializes in cruciferous vegetables. He advised the Puntarelle - indeed all the heavy greens -- are tastier when picked after the frost. And he suggested this dressing is as bold as the greens. Anchovy lover that I am, I've been dressing all sorts of vegetables with it, and even saucing fish fillets. —ChefJune
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2 pounds
Puntarelle (or other varieties of Kale or Chicory)
juice of one lemon
cloves garlic
anchovy fillets
3 ounces
extra virgin olive oil
coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Let the puntarelle soak in cold water for half an hour.
In the meantime, crush the anchovies and garlic in a mortar until they become a paste. Blend in the oil, the lemon juice, a pinch of salt and pepper
Drain the puntarelle well and dry on paper towels. Blot up all the water. Place them in a large bowl, toss with the sauce, and serve. [You can also saute the greens briefly if you like, before dressing with the heavenly sauce.]
30+ years a chef, educator, writer, consultant, "winie," travel guide/coordinator
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