5 Ingredients or Fewer

Home Made Soya Milk

June 16, 2014
3 Ratings
  • Serves 12
Author Notes

Home made (unsweetened) Soya Milk has many uses ...you can make Egg Bean Curd/Egg Tofu, Plain Tofu/Bean Curd; dessert like Longan Tau Fu Fa and the list goes on .. —foodisready

  • 1000 grams Soy Bean
  • 3 - 5 liters Water
  • 4 pieces Screwpine/Pandan Leaves
  • 150 grams Palm Sugar/Gula Melaka
  1. Soya Beans soaked overnight and drained (1kg here)
  2. Blend Soya Beans with Water .. 1:3 proportion = 1 cup Soya Bean is to 3 cups Water …add more water if you prefer more diluted milk or lesser water if you prefer more concentrated (I like thick Soya Milk so I add lesser water to blend)
  3. Gently boil the Soya Milk …add a few leave of Pandan Leaves ….Stir frequently to avoid it being burnt
  4. I get like about almost 5L worth of Soya Milk from 1kg Soya Beans and this is lesser than normal because I prefer my Soya Milk to be slightly thicker than normal …

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