Make Ahead

Chocolate Oatmeal Crepe Cake with Wild Grapes, Berries, and Bananas

August 29, 2014
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  • Makes about 15 crepes
Author Notes

This is a crepe cake that is totally breakfast-appropriate and dessert-worthy. Ground oats replace the flour and bananas serve as the cream in between, while fresh berries and fruits adorn the top for a lovely presentation and a touch of sweetness. You can make this as simply as you want; serving them as plain crepes with a touch of powdered sugar, or as a full-fledged cake. —Meghan

  • 1 3/4 cups oats
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 4 egg whites
  • 2-3 tablespoons maple syrup or honey, plus more to top
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups milk of choice
  • 1 sliced banana
  • 1 handful berries, nuts, fruit, toppings of choice, etc.
  1. In a blender, grind the oats so that they are powdery, like the consistency of coarse flour. (I did this in two batches.) Add in the salt and cocoa powder and blend so that everything is sifted together.
  2. Crack the egg whites into the blender, or over a bowl if you're not confident in your cracking skills. Transfer to the blender, along with the vanilla, maple syrup, and 1 cup of milk. Blend, occasionally scraping down the sides.
  3. When everything is a nice, even color, transfer the blender to the refigerator and let chill for about 30 minutes up unitl an hour. Take out once chilled, and stir in the other 1/2 cup of milk. The batter should be the consistency of heavy cream or syrup. If it's too thick or gloppy, add a tablespoon more of milk, and stir.
  4. Spray a saute pan with cooking spray, and begin to heat the empty pan on low. When it starts to sizzle a bit, drop a little less than 1/4 cup of the batter into the hot pan, and swirl around so that a nice circle forms. Remember that there are supposed to be thin!
  5. After about 1 minute, the edges should start to set and curl. Gently move the crepe around the pan and gently lift up one edge. Roll the crepe over to the other side, and cook for about half as long. There will likely be air bubbles so that you know its' done.
  6. Repeat until all of the batter is gone.
  7. Stack the crepes, one on top of the other, occasionally throwing in some fruit and drizzling on some sweetness to keep it moist. Continue stacking until all of the crepes are gone.
  8. Serve with berries, nuts, chocolate, maple syrup, cinnamon, powdered sugar, etc. Enjoy!

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