
Multi-Color Potato Salad With Chicken And Vegetables (inspired by: The Iron You)

October  4, 2022
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  • Serves 6-8
Author Notes

As a general rule, the more colors your plate of food contains, the more health benefits you are getting from that meal. Well, here is a colorful plate of food. It’s really pretty, spring-like, and it packs quite a nutritious punch all in one recipe.
You can make this dish without all of the colors too, and it would be just as delicious, but, if you like to eat with your eyes first, then choose as many colors as you can. Be a food artist of sorts…
I’ve used purple potatoes and purple carrots in this dish. In Chinese medicine, purple/blue foods are known to have powerful antioxidants that fight against free radicals and cancers. Purple colored foods are also good for the heart and the skin and they are great at lifting your mood.
Green peas are good for the digestion, especially if you are feeling constipated. In the olden days, people used to drink pea juice with their meals to avoid indigestion.
The beauty of this dish lies not only in it’s pretty colors, but even more so in the fact that you can make a big bowl of it and put it in the refrigerator for several days. I like to eat it as leftovers on top of salads or as a wrap or sandwich. It’s especially good rolled up in a collard green leaf as a grain-free sandwich/wrap.

  • 6 purple fingerling potatoes, unpeeled, diced, boiled until just cooked through
  • 3 purple carrots, peeled and diced, boiled just until softened a bit
  • 10 ounces fresh or frozen green peas, boiled for 30 seconds
  • 6 boneless, skinless chicken thighs, roasted and chopped
  • 3 eggs, hard-boiled, peeled and chopped
  • 12 bread and butter pickle chips, chopped
  • 6 ounces full-fat, grass-fed plain yogurt
  • 3 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons healthy mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1-1/2 tablespoons fresh minced dill
  • sea salt and black pepper to taste
  1. Combine first 6 ingredients in large bowl.
  2. Combine rest of ingredients in a small bowl to form a dressing. Toss the dressing into the salad ingredients in the large bowl. Enjoy!

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