
Pasta Cooked in Chicken Stock with Baby Spinach & Grape Tomatoes

February 17, 2015
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  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Its so wonderful when you can pull a full healthy meal out of your hat in just 30 or so minutes! And in one pot. And with stuff out of your fridge.

I made up this recipe one night when a friend of mine gave me one those "Duh!" moments. She introduced me to cooking your pasta in homemade chicken stock creating the sauce and cooking the pasta all in one pot! "Duh". No need to dirty two pots.

Although I have created this recipe with specific ingredients and measurements it is totally adaptable to what you have on hand and what you want that night. The true and hard fast measurements are the liquid to pasta ratio. —Lianna Mills

  • 1 pound Long Pasta - Really any pasta works well
  • 4 cups Chicken Stock - Or Veg Stock
  • 1 pint Grape or Cherry Tomatoes
  • 2 - 3 Coves Garlic Minced
  • 1 Medium Onion Diced
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 1/4 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 bunch Baby Spinach or Arugula
  1. In a pretty large tall sided sauté pan drizzle 2 tbls of Olive Oil and sauté onions for 3 – 4 minutes or until they are translucent. Add garlic and cook for a couple more minutes. Don’t let them burn.
  2. Add Chicken Stock and Pasta to pan. Stir so nothing sticks - to each other or the pan.
  3. Once stock starts simmering add tomatoes. Cover and cook to the pasta packages directions. Stir every now & then to prevent sticking. And allow for even cooking.
  4. Spinach: Add spinach right before noodles are done.
  5. Serve with parmesan & a sprinkling of freshly ground nutmeg.

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