5 Ingredients or Fewer

Pollo Mediterraneo

March 19, 2015
3 Ratings
  • Serves 2-4
Author Notes

There are nights when it is just too hot to turn on the oven. The summer of 2002 was one of those summers as I recall. I was living in Queens, NY in a great little 1 bedroom with NO air conditioning. The up-side was that I loved my Greek/Italian neighborhood because you could always get the best of everything Mediterranean. So its hot, you go to the fridge and what do you find; chicken, tomatoes and a jar of grilled artichokes. Huh, that almost sounds like a meal! And so it was… Quick, simple, fresh and perfect for a hot summer night, especially if eaten outside under the stars. —nycnomad

  • 1 x 6-8oz Jar of Grilled Artichokes (seasoned, packed in oil not vinegar)
  • 2-3 Medium Tomatoes
  • 2-4 Organic Chicken Breasts or Thighs
  • 2 teaspoons Dried Oregano
  • Salt/Pepper to taste
  • Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice (optional)
  1. Pour a little of the olive oil from the jar of artichokes into a skillet or shallow pan and heat over a medium flame. Dice the chicken breast or thighs and place in the skillet/pot. Cook until they begin to turn opaque, 2-3mins should suffice. Stir them frequently so that they do not stick to the pan. You do not want to cook the chicken for too long at this stage or it will toughen and dry out.
  2. Add the contents of the jar of grilled artichokes, oil, vinegar, seasoning and all. Stir the mixture and allow the chicken to cook for another 2-3 minutes over a medium flame.
  3. While the chicken is cooking, dice the tomatoes and then add them to the mixture. Turn the flame down now and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
  4. Add the oregano and stir. When the tomatoes begin to loose their skins and break down just a bit, the dish should be ready.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste. Squeeze a little fresh lemon juice over it and serve with pasta or a nice rustic bread, to soak up the delicious sauce.
  6. Although I have never done it, I was just thinking that adding a little Feta cheese crumbled over it might also be a nice addition. Let me know how it tastes if you try it!

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5 Reviews

LeBec F. March 20, 2015
great, nomad; that was the idea! you know, I LIKE the idea of using an oil AND vinegar mixture for both the sautéing and the braising. I think the chicken will still sauté fine even if there is a ittle vinegar in the oiI, and I think the dish would have more flavor if vinegar were included. just sayin'!
nycnomad March 20, 2015
Generally, I think, there is a little vinegar mixed in with the oil already, but some artichokes seem to be packaged in vinegar alone. I made the distinction, because pouring an entire container of vinegar into the pot, even if it is only a few ounces, would give a VERY different result. That is also why the lemon juice is optional at the end. The higher the vinegar content the less necessary the lemon juice. Thank you again for your suggestions and thoughts! They are always welcome.
LeBec F. March 20, 2015
I meant "use a little of the olive oil from the artichokes- in place of the other plain oil- to saute the chicken".
nycnomad March 20, 2015
Thank you that is a brilliant idea. I hope you don't mind if I incorporate it!
LeBec F. March 20, 2015
really nice job! don't know if this helps, but you COULD use a little of the olive oil from the artichokes- in place of the other plain oil- which would give you room for one more ingredient!