
Shrimp and Corn with Tarragon

March 22, 2015
1 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

Someone in an online food forum gave me this recipe, and for the life of me, I can't remember who it was or what forum it was in. Whoever and wherever they are, I am eternally grateful to them. This is, quite simply, one of the best easy, quick, elegant, summer entrees I've ever come across. Somehow, the total taste of the dish is so much more than the sum of the parts. —Kayb

What You'll Need
  • 3 ears freshest possible yellow sweet corn
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 pound medium or large shrimp, peeled
  • 3 tablespoons fresh tarragon, minced
  • 1/2 cup water
  1. Melt butter in non stick skillet over medium heat.
  2. Cut kernels from corn and saute' in butter until they begin to take on a transluscent look.
  3. Add shrimp and tarragon, and continue to saute for 1 minute. Add water, cover, lower heat to medium low, and steam for 5 minutes.

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I'm a business professional who learned to cook early on, and have expanded my tastes and my skills as I've traveled and been exposed to new cuisines and new dishes. I love fresh vegetables, any kind of protein on the grill, and breakfasts that involve fried eggs with runny yolks. My recipes tend toward the simple and the Southern, with bits of Asia or the Mediterranean or Mexico thrown in here and there. And a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a float in the lake, as pictured, is a pretty fine lunch!

1 Review

Risottogirl May 18, 2024
Lovely and simple. My husband requested it with gnocci - not homemade, but the shelf stable kind. I don't boil it but saute with just a smidge of oo in a cast iron pan until brownish and crispy. The gnocci makes for an easy peasy weeknight dinner but read the label, some of them have a frightening amount of sodium. The one at Trader Joe does not.