Make Ahead

Feta Blood Orange Scones with Minted Blood Orange Whipped Butter

March  2, 2010
0 Ratings
  • Serves 8 scones
Author Notes

Scones remind me of a serene high tea (in Regent's Park) my parents brought me to when they visited me while I was an exchange student at the Chelsea College of Art and Design years ago. Scones are less sweet than a muffin and more substantial than a piece of toast. These scones evoke that wonderful day but with more exotic ingredients. Who wouldn't like a scone fragrant with blood orange and slathered in a sweet, citrusy, and minty butter? —testkitchenette

  • Feta Blood Orange Scones
  • 2 cups unbleached all purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • up to 1/2 teaspoons salt (depending on how salty your feta is)
  • 1/3 cup butter, cold and cut into pieces
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup blood orange juice
  • 3 ounces feta cheese, block form-drained and cut into pieces
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • zest of 1 blood orange
  • extra sugar to sprinkle on top of scones before baking
  • Minted Blood Orange Whipped Butter
  • 1 stick unsalted butter, softened
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon blood orange juice
  • zest of 2 blood oranges
  • 1 teaspoon chopped mint
  • tiny pinch of salt
  1. Preheat oven to 400F
  2. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a food processor and then add butter and pulse until it's the texture of very coarse sand
  3. Add the milk and pulse to combine. Then add in the blood orange juice, feta cheese, yogurt, and blood orange zest and pulse until dough forms into a sticky ball.
  4. Press into a 1 inch disk on a floured surface, sprinkle and then press coarse sugar on top. Place on a cookie sheet line with a Silpat or parchment paper. Cut into 8 triangles and separate. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Let cool and serve with butter.
  5. Combine all butter ingredients in a food processor or with hand held mixer until fluffy. Serve with scones.

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15 Reviews

viaggiatoreculinaria March 19, 2010
I just made these this morning for breakfast. They were light and subtle and delicious. They're great with a citrus fruit salad I made of blood oranges, cara cara oranges, pineapple, coconut flakes and dates.
testkitchenette March 20, 2010
Love your blog. What a fab experience to go to cooking school in Italy! I spent about 2 weeks in Rome (not nearly enough) when my sister was a student there and loved cooking, food shopping, and eating there. Thanks for your compliment on my scones, your citrus salad sounds delicious, I will be making it myself! Your torta looks amazing as well!
testkitchenette March 5, 2010
OK, recipe corrected! Depending on how salty your feta is you can add up to 1/2 tsp salt. My feta was not super salty so I added it! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
coffeefoodwrite March 6, 2010
Thanks testkitchenette -- I made them with a large pinch and they turned out great. I didn't have milk, so I substituted heavy cream -- made a Strawberry shortcake (well scone) type recipe with them. I'll post the pics. They turned out lovely and my husband loved them. (I forgot to put the sugar on top, but they still turned out great and actually worked well that way in a "shortbread" type way...=)
Hadyourtea? March 5, 2010
omg I love these - you are so talented.... I made blood orange marmalade today so will try the scones with marmalade butter. so cool
coffeefoodwrite March 5, 2010
Question: I am making these this morning and the first part of the instructions say to add all dry ingredients to food processor, including salt, but I don't see a salt amount listed on the scone ingredient list. Is it the "pinch" indicated for the whipped butter? Or do you put salt in both portions? Thanks!!
mrslarkin March 5, 2010
I so want to make these, but my oven is still broken. :( Maybe they don't need salt because the feta is salty? I might go with a 1/2 teaspoon though. Would love to know how they turn out CFWG! And TK, let us know about the salt.
testkitchenette March 5, 2010
Hi there, I had missed putting the salt in the ingredient list the first time I posted and see that it is still not on my ingredient list still. Depending on how salty your feta is you can add none or 1/4-1/2 tsp. salt. I wish I had seen your post earlier, I'll feel terrible if I messed with your breakfast plans!
testkitchenette March 5, 2010
Mrs. Larkin, I am so sorry your oven is broken (hell for people who love to cook)! Depending on how salty your feta is you can add none or up to 1/2 tsp. I am editing my recipe now! Apologies and thanks to you both for pointing out the salt/lack of salt in the scone recipe. You can still add a pinch of salt to the butter though!
testkitchenette March 7, 2010
coffeefoodwritergirl....I am so glad that the scones worked out well for you. The cream only made them richer! I look forward to seeing your photos. Making a strawberry shortcake out of them sounds scrumptious!
testkitchenette March 3, 2010
Thanks for all your kind comments! I am enjoying eating them for breakfast!
mrslarkin March 3, 2010
Love this!! I will try this recipe when my oven is working again. I'll need a little blood orange marmalade on mine, with your yummy butter. My basic scone dough is almost identical - I use cream & egg for the liquid. Gr8 recipe.
TheWimpyVegetarian March 2, 2010
These look amazing!
aargersi March 2, 2010
These sound insanely good. Might have to have a brunch just for an excuse to make them!
coffeefoodwrite March 2, 2010
Mmmmmm....I love scones. I like that these have yogurt in them. Thanks for the recipe!