
Frozen Piña Colada with Captain Morgan

May 21, 2015
2 Ratings
Photo by James Ransom
  • Serves 1
Author Notes

It's hard to argue against the merits of three island staples like pineapple juice, coconut, and rum, all blended up into a frozen cocktail. This is a healthy pour for one person, but we'd recommend filling up your blender with even more to make it a party. —Samantha Weiss Hills

What You'll Need
  • 1 1/2 ounces Captain Morgan white rum
  • 1 1/2 ounces cream of coconut
  • 2 ounces fresh pineapple juice
  • Juice from 1/2 a large lime
  • 4 cups cups ice
  • Fresh pineapple, maraschino cherries, and shaved, toasted coconut, for garnish
  1. Combine rum, cream of coconut, pineapple juice, and lime juice in a blender.
  2. Add 4 cups ice and blend until smooth. Sometimes it's better to start on a lower setting to break the ice down, and then blitz at the end to the ice consistency you want.
  3. Serve in a hurricane glass (or other bulbous vessel) and garnish with fresh pineapple, maraschino cherries, and shaved coconut.

See what other Food52ers are saying.

  • Christine
  • Cassandra Zedlovich Abt
    Cassandra Zedlovich Abt
  • Marina I. Blanck
    Marina I. Blanck
  • Wendy Hummel Boord
    Wendy Hummel Boord
  • Samantha Weiss Hills
    Samantha Weiss Hills

18 Reviews

Robin July 13, 2016
The photo does not seem to match the recipe. The beverage in the photo seems to be on the rocks, whereas the recipe is blended?
Samantha W. July 13, 2016
The drink in the photo is definitely blended, Robin! It's super creamy. Let me know if you have other questions about the recipe.
ashton July 13, 2016
You are seeing the shaved coconut garnish.
Robin July 13, 2016
Aha! Thanks for clarifying that. Me eyez is gettin' auld.
sue June 23, 2015
throw in a shot of ameretto, adds a nice touch to it
Christine June 19, 2015
possible to use coconut milk? if i replaced rum w/ vodka, wouldn't this be called a Chi Chi?
Samantha W. June 19, 2015
We really recommend using cream of coconut, but you could try with full fat coconut milk -- you might want to make a small batch first! It might taste a lot stronger and have a lighter blend, though.
ashton June 19, 2015
I don't think coconut milk would be sweet enough.
ashton June 19, 2015
I prefer dark rum in my pina coladas, but that's me. Usually Goslings. I also prefer fresh pineapple, instead of juice, and I think a pina colada also benefits greatly from a shot of kaluha.
Cassandra Z. June 19, 2015
Love Captain Morgan but Sailor Jerry is smoother and tastes better
Marina I. June 19, 2015
I have Bacardí Gold and Bacardí Añejo at home, can one of them replacing the white rum?
Samantha W. June 19, 2015
We used Captain Morgan, but any white rum will do!
zuckererbse June 12, 2015
Cream of coconut and coconut cream are two different things. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coconut_cream

And they taste compltley different. Although I like coconut cream for cooking I wouldn't recommend it for pina colada.
suzi June 10, 2015
can i use canned coconut cream instead? (no sugar/sweetener)
Samantha W. June 10, 2015
You can definitely use canned cream of coconut! Just make sure it's mixed well before adding to the blender.
Wendy H. June 8, 2015
Do you use Cream of Coconut that is sweetened or not? My local store only sells cream of coconut that's sweetened, but I've read that there are also unsweetened versions.
Samantha W. June 10, 2015
I think all the ones I've used are sweetened, but I'd be intrigued to know what it tastes like with an unsweetened variety!
iris June 8, 2015
Is a recipe for a pitcher of pina coladas available?