5 Ingredients or Fewer

Crunchy Popcorn Mouthfuls covered with Cheese

June 15, 2015
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  • Makes plenty!
Author Notes

I have been thinking for quite a time to dedicate some posts to my favorite movi —Despoina Kortes | In Whirl of Inspiration

  • 1 bowl of popcorn
  • 200 grams Graviera (=Cretan semi hard cheese) or any other goat's milk semi-hard cheese
  • 200 grams Trikalino or any other goat's or cow's milk soft melting cheese
  • 200 grams Landana Chilli or red pesto cheese or any other seasoned soft melting cheese
  • ice cube trays
  • food coloring
  • salt, pepper, sweet paprika
  1. Firstly make the popcorns, season them with salt and let them aside.
  2. Then grate the cheese or chop it in little pieces, as it melts better that way. In a small pot boil some water and place in it a small fireproof bowl. Put in that the cheese and keep mixing until it melts (=ben-mari procedure). (*) Now if you want add some color for food to cheese. I made some green cheese that way.
  3. When it melts and becomes a stretchy mass, take small portions and put them in ice cube trays, to have a layer of 5mm cheese (in height) on the bottoms of each tray. Fill all the trays with popcorns and press them well, so for the cheese to fill the gaps between popcorn. Then put the trays the refrigerator for the cheese to congeal.
  4. Now you have cheesy popcorn "cubes" to accompany your favorite movie/tv show. Season with pepper and/or sweet paprika and enjoy. (*) I know that this way cheese turns into a somewhat thick, stretchy cheese with a layer of liquid oil sitting on top of it. Normal cheese melts like that, cause it is made of proteins, fats, and water, and these separate when they are heated. But we don't care about this, because we don't to make melt cheese for dipping, a.k.a. smooth liquid.
  5. (This recipe was firstly published in the "In Whirl of Inspiration" site. Link in profile.)

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