
Roasted Peppers on the Barbeque

August 10, 2015
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Photo by A Guy Who Cooks
  • Serves Everyone
Author Notes

I love roasted peppers. Many of my friends had only eaten the store-bought jar brands. When they try these they can't believe the difference! Now I'm asked to jar extra whenever I make a batch. My favorite are the orange colored peppers, I find they take on a "fruity" flavor when roasted. I'm also listing the marinade ingredients I use when jarring. —A Guy Who Cooks

  • Peppers
  • 4 Red Bell Peppers
  • 4 Yellow Bell Peppers
  • 4 Orange Bell Peppers
  • Marinade
  • Olive oil
  • Canola oil
  • Garlic cloves, minced
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Salt
  1. Peppers
  2. Preheat your grill until nice and hot, at least 450 degrees
  3. Rinse peppers under cold water, dry
  4. Cut stems off peppers
  5. Place peppers on grill and close lid
  6. Check on peppers after a few minutes and turn, repeating this step until peppers are done
  7. Cook until peppers are soft, look deflated and skin is blackened (see picture)
  8. Remove peppers from grill and allow to cool enough to handle
  9. Wet a clean kitchen cloth or washcloth and scrub the skin off of each pepper
  10. Remove the top stem portion and seeds then slice peppers to your desired size
  11. I like my peppers marinated so I've included ingredients below
  1. Marinade
  2. Combine olive oil with canola oil for a 50/50 mix (canola oil prevents olive oil from hardening in fridge)
  3. Add peppers, garlic, basil, oregano and salt, to taste
  4. Spoon into jars or plastic containers, seal and refrigerate
  5. These are not meant for long-term storage, only about 1-2 weeks in the fridge (if they're not devoured way before that)

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