
Grilled Harvest Vegetables with Burrata Cheese

October  8, 2015
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Photo by Eatentions
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

There probably isn’t an easier recipe than this one which makes it either good or not so good to post…nonetheless, I am putting this on the blog because of all the times I just need a memory jog or a slightly new twist to an old classic.

Grilled harvest vegetables rock on their own but top them with some fresh burrata cheese and you will believe you have gone to another dimension of food! Something magical happens when the fresh, soft burrata hits the warm veggies and melts over them creating ooey gooey goodness…..oh the textures and tastes of comfort food bliss, life’s simple pleasures for a foodie…..

I make a big batch of these on the weekend, some for immediate consumption and some for the coming week. My choices of what to grill this time of year is completely dependent on my farming buddies at the local market but if you aren’t a frequent goer to these events, any grocery store will have a great selection of organic yummies so have some fun and pick what you will actually eat….

Shopping and choosing is the hardest part of this recipe so after that task is completed clean them up, slice in half, pour over some olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper…last but not least, grill em’! Honestly, that is it…not much sexier than that but what will be is the food experience waiting for you when they are done.

Copy this recipe exactly or change up the veggies and the cheese, your choice. Every time you do, it will be a new culinary delight….. —Eatentions

What You'll Need
  • 2 Zucchini
  • 4 Assorted Bell Peppers
  • 2 Eggplant
  • Olive Oil
  • Sea Salt
  • Fresh Ground Pepper
  • Burrata Cheese
  1. Wash and cut vegetables length-wise. Top with olive oil and salt and pepper.
  2. Heat Grill. Place vegetables onto grill and cook until desired doneness.
  3. Remove from grill and cut into large pieces. Mix together and add more olive oil, salt and pepper, if desired.
  4. Top with chunks of burrata cheese and serve warm

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