
Thanksgiving Leftover Hand Pies

October 20, 2015
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Photo by Oat&Sesame
  • Serves 10-12
Author Notes

Thanksgiving leftovers can be repurposed as ingredients to a delicious dare I call it - hot pocket - or a more sophisticated way of saying it - hand pie. I make an extra ball of pie crust dough each year just for this purpose. Take everything you've got after Thanksgiving and make a pocket pie - it's the next level of Thanksgiving. It's a #nofoodwaste Thanksgiving. —Oat&Sesame

  • 1/2 cup cranberry sauce
  • 1-2 cups turkey, cubed or shredded
  • 1/2 - 1 cups mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 cup stuffing
  • 1/2 cup gravy (cold)
  • 12 pecans, chopped (optional)
  • PIE DOUGH (use store bought or see recommended recipe below, makes 2 crusts)
  • 1 egg, for egg wash
  1. Make and refrigerate your pie dough a day before use or up to a month before (in this case freeze it and thaw in fridge). My preferred recipe is:
  2. Place all your leftover ingredients in separate bowls for the assembly line. You can use all, some or more of what I listed above. Including pumpkin or apple pie!
  3. Prepare two small ramekins. One with water to seal the pies, the other with 1 tbs water and 1 egg beaten for egg wash.
  4. Remove one dough disc from fridge and roll it out to 1/4" thickness on a lightly floured surface.
  5. Take a 5" glass bowl, invert it to use as a dough cutter to make the rounds for the pies.
  6. Add a small amount of each ingredient you've decided to use to the center of each 5" round. Maybe 1 Tbs each. More of the turkey. Careful not to overfill. I'd suggest trying one out and getting a feel for the amount that fits.
  7. Dip you finger in the ramekin with water and rub a little water around the very edge of the dough. Flip the top edge over to the bottom and press slightly to seal.
  8. Crimp the edge with the prongs of a fork. Poke each pie on top with a fork for air vents and place them on a parchment lined baking sheet.
  9. Place in the fridge for about 15 minutes. (I keep the baking sheet in the fridge and put them in the fridge as I complete each one.)
  10. Preheat oven to 375. When ready to bake, brush the tops of each hand pie with the prepared egg wash. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.
  11. Wait about 5-10 minutes before eating! Don't burn your hands on the hand pies!
  12. Unbaked hand pies can be frozen and baked anytime this fall/winter. Keep Thanksgiving on hand!

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