
7 Layer Soyrizo Dip

October 29, 2015
4 Ratings
Photo by kimbaddd
  • Serves 12
Author Notes

I don't eat pork, so yep, I don't eat chorizo, which I actually used to enjoy very much. I'm addicted to the Soyrizo at Trader Joes. I use it in egg and soyrizo burritos, quiches, casseroles, and more. Love it.
This recipe was developed due to the fact my best friend does not eat pork, either, but the rest of our clan does eat meat. They don't mind the substitution of soyrizo for chorizo. In fact, my husband can' t really tell the dif at all. —kimbaddd

  • 1 tube Trader Joe's Soyrizo (there are other brands out there, so don't despair!)
  • 16 ounces can refried beans
  • 4 cups mexican style cheese, shredded (or do half shredded pepper jack, half cheddar, yum!)
  • 8 ounces container sour cream
  • 1 cup guacamole (I have a great mexican supermarket by me that makes XCELLENT guacamole, so i use that. Or use your favorite prepared guac or make you own!)
  • 1 cup your favorite salsa
  • 1 cup black olives, sliced
  • 1/2 cup tomato, chopped
  1. In a large skillet, cook the soyrizo until browned in spots, stirring often. Set aside to cool once cooked.
  2. Spread the beans into a 9x13 inch dish. Spread the sour cream on top. Sprinkle 2 cups of the shredded cheese. Then layer the guacamole, and salsa evenly as possible over the cheese. Top with the olives, remainder of cheese, and the tomatoes. Serve immediately or you can refrigerate overnite and serve the next day. Leftovers keep ok for about 3 days.

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2 Reviews

Chris G. December 29, 2016
Question, have you ever thought about heating this in the oven in a pyrex baking dish? Say at about 250 degrees for about 10 to 15 minutes, until warmed through and the cheese melted? (I would end with part of the cheese mixture on top. Makes a great warm dip with tortilla chips and Nacho cheese chips.
cyn July 3, 2016
um. you forgot to actually PUT THE SOYRIZO YOU JUST COOKED INTO THE DIP.