
November’s roast pumpkin tart with goat’s cheese and sage

December  3, 2015
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Photo by Jasmina Gajic
  • Serves 8-10
Author Notes

This time of the year is a perfect time to bake something with pumpkin as the previous month-November brings another memory of mine. A memory of a Thanksgiving dinner we all had at my sister’s home in New York, last time I had a chance to visit them. —Jasmina Gajic

  • Dough:
  • 150 grams rye flour
  • 150 grams plain flour
  • 125 grams butter
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 piece egg
  • 1/2 bunch fine chopped chives
  • 3-4 tablespoons water
  • Roast pumpkin filling:
  • 1 pumpkin
  • 1 piece egg
  • 3-4 pieces fine chopped spring onions
  • 30 grams parmesan
  • 50 grams crumbled goat cheese
  • 1/2 bunch sage
  1. Place the chopped butter in a large bowl, add the flours and salt and mix with fingers until mixture is crumbly. Add the egg, chives and water and work on the dough just until all is combined and smooth. Wrap dough into a clear wrap and leave to rest in the fridge for 2 hours.
  2. In the meantime clean and slice the pumpkin. Grease with oil, sprinkle a little salt on top and bake on 180C for 25 minutes. Once roasted, leave to cool.
  3. Take the dough from the fridge, leave for 15 minutes to rest/soften on the work surface. Place the dough between two baking sheets and roll into a circle big enough to cover a 25cm round tart tin. Arrange dough into a baking tin and if you don’t want/need to use it straight away, wrap into a clear wrap and leave in the fridge for up to three days. Otherwise, lay baking sheet on the dough, place baking beads on the top and bake on 180C for 20 minutes.
  4. In a medium size mixing bowl mash the baked pumpkin with a fork, add lightly whisked egg, finely chopped spring onions and grated parmesan. Mix well until all combined.
  5. Fill the tart with the pumpkin filling, sprinkle goat cheese and sage on the top and bake for 15 minutes on 180C.
  6. Decorate with extra sage before serving.

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