Make Ahead

Vanilla cake with Swiss meringue frosting

December  3, 2015
3 Ratings
Photo by Janey
  • Serves 10-12
Author Notes

This cake is dedicated to those who love vanilla. With an easy-to-make Swiss meringue for frosting, this recipe uses simple ingredients to make the sweetest treat. I used one 9 inch pan and halved the cake. The cake is inspired by @sdebrango's recipe- 'Tender Yellow Cake'. —Janey

  • Vanilla Cake
  • 3/4 cup Sugar
  • 2 tb + 2 tsp Canola Oil
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/2 cup Buttermilk( I simply added white vinegar to the milk)
  • 1.5 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
  • 1 + 1/8 cups Plain Flour/All-purpose Flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1.5 teaspoons Baking powder
  • Meringue Frosting
  • 5 Egg Whites
  • 1 tablespoon White Vinegar
  • 1/2 + 1/8 cups Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  1. Vanilla Cake
  2. Preheat oven to 180°C or 350°F and prepare the pan with baking paper.
  3. In one bowl. whisk oil and sugar vigorously, then add eggs, milk and vanilla until the mixture becomes well incorporated. In the second bowl, combine the flour, salt and baking powder.
  4. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and mix just to the point where the dry mixture fully combines with the wet mixture. Don't over do it!
  5. Pour mixture into prepared pan and bake for 25-30 minutes. Allow cake to cool for at least 10 minutes or until it reaches room temperature, then remove from the pan. You can refrigerate the cake which makes it easier to divide.
  1. Meringue Frosting
  2. Heat a small amount of water in a saucepan. Make sure the saucepan's size is suitable for the meringue bowl.
  3. Gently mix the vinegar with the egg whites together, then add the sugar.
  4. Set the bowl on top of the saucepan containing the simmering water. Stir the egg white mixture continuously to dissolve the sugar and also prevent the eggs from cooking. Stir for at least 5 minutes or you can dip your finger to detect any solid sugar grains(the mixture isn't scalding hot)
  5. After the sugar has dissolved remove the bowl from heat and begin whisking until stiff peaks form, either by hand or a stand mixer.(I whisked by hand). Add vanilla when the mixture becomes glossy and peaks are visible. The mixture will cool as the eggs are getting whisked.
  6. To assemble the cake: Cut the cake into two, layer some meringue on the bottom half, add the top half and frost the whole cake. Refrigerate if made in advance.

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2 Reviews

Rachel W. January 20, 2016
This cake is tiny and dense, also, please add the amount of baking powder needed.
Janey January 21, 2016
Hi Rachel, I'm sorry about that. I accidentally omitted the baking powder which is 1.5 tsp.