5 Ingredients or Fewer

"Sweet and Bubbly"

April 23, 2010
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  • Serves 1
Author Notes

This cocktail was inspired by the "Dark and Stormy", a delicious drink I had a few years ago in Bermuda (and which is made from ginger beer, dark rum and lime juice, I believe). —WinnieAb

What You'll Need
  • 1 cup kombucha (I used Synergy brand original flavor)
  • 2 tablespoons pomegranate molasses
  • 1-2 ounces dark rum
  • juice of 1 lemon (I used Meyer lemon)
  1. In a glass, mix the kombucha with the pomegranate molasses. Add the rum (use 2 oz. for a stronger drink) and then the lemon juice. Serve as is, or over ice, if you prefer.
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I grew up in a restaurant family (my parents owned the now closed Quilted Giraffe in NYC) and I've always loved to cook. My interest in the connection between food and health led me to pursue a graduate degree in naturopathic medicine. I don't practice medicine anymore; I have a blog called Healthy Green Kitchen that I started in May of 2009 and I wrote a book called One Simple Change that will be published in January, 2014. I live in upstate New York with my family and many pets.

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