Serves a Crowd

Mama's Ham Salad Sandwich

October  4, 2022
1 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

We ate a lot of ham when I was growing up, and I still love ham in all its permutations. One of my favorites as a child was when we'd be down to almost the last of a big picnic ham, and Mama would take the bits and pieces off the bone and grind them for ham salad, which then served as a sandwich filling for the next couple of days. I've tinkered with the spread over the years, and here's what I've finally come up with. - Kayb —Kayb

Test Kitchen Notes

The ham salad is fun to make as a throwback to luncheons past. It has all the ingredients of a great sandwich -- you'll almost think you are eating slices of ham with dill pickles on toasted bread. Be sure to leave the ham chunky for some nice bites of meat coated in a flavorful mayo, mustard and horseradish mix. - Stephanie
—The Editors

  • 1 cup ground ham (take cubes/chunks and pulse in a food processor until a coarse paste)
  • 1/4 cup homemade or Hellman's mayonnaise
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickles
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
  1. Mix mayo, garlic, sweet pickles, mustard and horseradish; fold into ham. Add a little more mayo if it seems too dry. Sprinkle dill on top and toss gently. Refrigerate for at least two hours to allow flavors to combine. Serve on toasted wheat bread, with lettuce leaves and tomato if desired.

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I'm a business professional who learned to cook early on, and have expanded my tastes and my skills as I've traveled and been exposed to new cuisines and new dishes. I love fresh vegetables, any kind of protein on the grill, and breakfasts that involve fried eggs with runny yolks. My recipes tend toward the simple and the Southern, with bits of Asia or the Mediterranean or Mexico thrown in here and there. And a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a float in the lake, as pictured, is a pretty fine lunch!

5 Reviews

boulangere March 26, 2011
Love it! I'm going to try it at work this week.
boulangere June 5, 2011
Loved it.
Kayb June 5, 2011
I'm so glad! (Mama would be, too!)
Kayb June 11, 2010
Thanks, Stephanie and AntoniaJames! I usually do a ham or two through the summer, just to have it for a great cold supper when it's 95, and the unsliceable bits always get frozen (thank you, vacuum sealer!) for this. You can also leave out the mustard and add some ginger, and then serve it atop some grilled pineapple.
AntoniaJames June 10, 2010
Love this recipe! Can't wait to try it. We often have Black Forest Ham on hand for sandwiches, so this is likely to become a favorite around here. Very nice. Congrats!! ;o)