
Tomato Mozzarella Panini

June 17, 2010
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  • Makes 1 Sandwich
Author Notes

You can vary this anyway you want adding anything from meats to veggies depending on what's fresh and in the fridge. It's easy & healthy —smidkiff0907

  • 1 Loaf of Artisan or Chibata Bread
  • 2 Ripe Tomatos
  • 1 Mozzarella Ball (2 if they are small)
  • 4-6 tablespoons Pesto
  • 4-8 Fresh Roasted Garlic Cloves
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 6-8 Fresh Basil Leaves
  1. Cut the bread into sandwich size pieces about 2-3" long, then slice them in half so you have a top and bottom
  2. Wash & Slice your tomato
  3. Slice the Mozzarella
  4. Spread 2-3 of the roasted garlic cloves on one side of the bread
  5. Spread Pesto on the other side of the bread
  6. On the bottom slice of the bread, layer 2-3 slices of tomato on the bread and sprinkle with salt & pepper lightly.
  7. place some fresh basil leaves on top of the tomato
  8. layer the mozzarella cheese on top of the basil & tomato
  9. add more basil if you like
  10. Put the top layer of bread on the sandwich
  11. Preheat a Panini Maker to the medium setting
  12. Once ready carefully place the sandwich on the panini maker and close the lid
  13. Cook the sandwich until the cheese starts to melt or the bread is done to you liking.
  14. Remove the sandwich from the maker, slice and enjoy!

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