Make Ahead

Cherry Amaretto Jam

June 22, 2010
0 Ratings
  • Serves 8 4oz jars plus another big jar for the fridge
Author Notes

I have recently become somewhat, well, obsessed with making jam. So of course I had to make a cherry jam this week. Cherries and all things almond - such a great combo .... you can choose to can this jam or just make it and keep it in the fridge, up to you! I did a little of both. I also realize that it is a pain in the rump to pit 8 cups of cherries - just go to the zen place in your mind and be a pitting machine. Wear an apron. —aargersi

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  • 8 cups cherries - pitted and stemmed (about 3 lbs - ish)
  • 1/2 cup amaretto
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 1.75 oz package NO SUGAR NEEDED pectin
  • 1 tablespoon fruit fresh
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract
  1. This is so easy, put a spoon in the freezer - then just put everything but the pectin in a large saucepan and bring it to a boil, add the pectin just as it is starting to boil. Stir it down and simmer for 5 minutes or so. You can use a potato masher to break the cherries up some as they boil. Dribble a bit of the liquid down the back of the frozen spoon, if it looks jammy, you are ready!
  2. ** CANNING STEPS ** if you choose to can - wash the jars and put them in a single layer in a big pot and boil them for 10 minutes (I do this while I am working on the jam). Turn off the heat and remove them to drain / dry on a clean tea towel. Drop the flat top things into the hot (not boiling) water. As you fill each clean warm dry jar, wipe the rim, cover with a disc, and screw a ring on - not too tight. When they are all jarred, back into the pot to boil for 10 more minutes then back onto the tea towel to cool. You will hear the pop pop pop as they seal. That's it!!!

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Recipe by: aargersi

Country living, garden to table cooking, recent beek, rescue all of the dogs, #adoptdontshop

22 Reviews

Cbiz July 10, 2017
What is the significance of the frozen spoon?
aargersi July 10, 2017
When the jam hits the frozen spoon you can tell if it's set or not -- yoou should be able to run a finger through it and the path will stay open, then your jam is ready!
Molli D. January 22, 2025
Blissful B. February 8, 2011
Does anything smell better than the scent of jam cooking on the stove? That's one of my strongest childhood scent memories.
Hilarybee February 8, 2011
I'm planning ahead for summer here. Serious cabin fever-but what kind of cherries are you using? I'm assuming sweet cherries, right?
aargersi February 8, 2011
I totally understand - made a batch myself a couple weeks ago! Yes, sweet cherries, I think Bing are mostly what are in the store now. Also I use a pitter but if you look at A&M's how to pit an olive video you might use the mash method instead. DO wear an apron, or a cherry juice colored outfit!!! Let me know what you think!
aargersi January 14, 2011
I made a batch of this last night because cherries are on sale (they are probably from the moon or some other massive carbon footprint location) - well clearly they are not SUMMER cherries and not nearly as sweet so I added a cup of sugar to the recipe - if anyone decides to make this be sure to follow your taste for sweetness and add sugar as needed!
Sagegreen June 24, 2010
This looks great! I also appreciate the apron advice...having ruined a few shirts this week already.
Heena June 23, 2010
I've never made jam before. I think that's going to change soon. But 8 cups of cherries to pit? (9 cups for me coz I usually end up eating so many of them.) Sigh.
aargersi June 23, 2010
You can do it - it's not THAT bad really!!!!
Heena June 23, 2010
Not if you knew how many cherries I'm capable of eating while pitting :D
mrslarkin June 22, 2010
Yum yum. You be jammin! (was Bob Marley on the pitting playlist?)
aargersi June 23, 2010
as a matter o fact it was!
dymnyno June 22, 2010
Wow!! you have really jumped in big time...thats a lot of cherries to pit. You will be so glad you did when cherries are out of season and you have your bounty.
aargersi June 22, 2010
Indeed! I have a BIG jar in the fridge, too, so I have enogh to share!!!
dymnyno June 24, 2010
I think that if you add cracked cherry pits wrapped in cheesecloth to your pot, it will give the mix an amaretto flavor, too.
lapadia June 22, 2010
Love the flavor combo you have going on here! OMG...8 cups of cherries to pit; IS the pits! I had 3 cups of cherries yesterday, and a husband at home so I put him to work "pitting", he claims it was a blast...hahaha. Hopefully I will get my recipe perfected before deadline. PS - we have a cherry pitter, but you still need to go to your zen place!
aargersi June 22, 2010
My husband was in charge of the pitting music to keep me going!!!
drbabs June 22, 2010
aargersi June 22, 2010
JammaLamma Ding Dong :-)
nannydeb June 22, 2010
You may convert me to a jam eater. Sounds delicious!
aargersi June 22, 2010
That is my master plan - make you a jam afficionado :-) And jamadvocate. A jamologist.