5 Ingredients or Fewer

Carrot and Apple Salad

May 11, 2016
0 Ratings
  • Serves 2-3
Author Notes

This is a non-recipe salad that graces our dinner table almost every night. The simplicity of this salad is my attempt at walking in the great Marcella Hazan's footsteps - slice up some veggies and season only with good quality olive oil and vinegar.
Endlessly adaptable, the following ingredient list is an invitation to pull out a box grater, fresh veggies, and go to town. —yellowbird

  • 3 carrots, peeled
  • 1 large granny smith apple
  • good quality olive oil
  • good quality balsamic
  1. Grate the carrot along the large holes of a box grater, and then do the same for the apple (don't worry about removing the skin). Place in a bowl big enough to contain (and toss) the ingredients.
  2. Season liberally with olive oil, then a little more conservatively with balsamic. Toss and correct for taste.
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