
Peach at its best

July 19, 2016
1 Ratings
  • Serves one
Author Notes

This is something to have for breakfast or lunch or even an afternoon snack. Not extensive enough for dinner, perhaps, but maybe for dessert? And, best thing, nothing that special about it, except the taste.... —Katherine

What You'll Need
  • 1 homemade baguette or other bread
  • 1 perfectly ripe peach
  • dash fruity olive oil
  • generous smear goat cheese (I use cheese that's been marinated in olive oil and herbs)
  • handful optional: fresh cut herbs (basil or thyme or mint)
  • small clove optional: garlic
  1. Toast a generous slice of bread. Spread with goat cheese. Meanwhile, slice and peel peach. Arrange slices on top of bread. Add dash of olive oil and herbs, if using. (As a variation, depending on time of day, rub bread first with a halved clove of garlic.)

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