

August  9, 2010
4 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

I've been making Albondigas for years, but my favorite recipe is this one which I've adopted from Rick Bayliss' "Mexican Everyday". When my husband is in a bad mood, a plate of these works everytime! —annemax

  • 3 slices bacon cut in 1" pieces
  • 3 cloves, garlic
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup dried bread crumbs. or 3/4 cup panko (I use panko)
  • salt
  • 1 1/4 pounds ground pork
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint, coarsly chopped
  • 1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes in juice (fire roasted best)
  • 1-2 canned chipotle chiles in adobo, and 1-2 tablespoons of the canning sauce
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano, preferably Mexican
  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
  2. In a food processor combine the bacon and 1of the garlic cloves. Process until finely chopped.
  3. Add the eggs, bread crumbs, and 1 teaspoon salt.
  4. Pulse to combine thoroughly, then add the pork and mint.
  5. Pulse until everything is just combined, but not over-processed into a paste.
  6. Form the meat into 16 two inch balls, and space them out on a 13x9" baking dish (I use a gratin pan). Bake about 15 minutes until lightly browned.
  7. While the meatballs are cooking, combine the tomatoes, their juice, chipotles, and the canning sauce, oregano, the 2 remaining garlic cloves cut in half, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a blender or food processor. Process to a smooth puree.
  8. Since I use a ceramic baking dish, I heat the puree for 2-3 minutes in the microwave so I don't break another dish.
  9. When the meatballs are lightly browned, pour the tomato puree over them, covering them evenly. Bake until the sauce thickens about 15-20 minutes. Serve and enjoy
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5 Reviews

littleclove August 9, 2010
These sounds delicious! I made a chipotle potato salad just yesterday and only used (1) of the peppers. I was going to make a salsa with the rest of them, but you've just changed my mind! My daughter will love these. Thank you!
annemax August 9, 2010
Thanks! You know you can save the left over chipotles in a jar, or tupperware. They last for a long time in the fridge.
aargersi August 9, 2010
Uh Oh! I may like your albondigas better than my own!
lapadia August 9, 2010
Love these!
AntoniaJames August 9, 2010
Wow, these sound really tasty! Love the addition of the mint. I bet the bacon also makes these taste great. My sons lived and studied in Spain several times each, and adore albondigas. Will definitely have to try these! Thanks for posting this recipe. ;o)