
The Thrill of Chapel Hill

August  9, 2010
0 Ratings
  • Makes One good-sized pizza for one hungry person
Author Notes

This is a good summertime BLT pizza, southern style. The fried green tomatoes recipe by the food52 cook, more please by margie, is the best we’ve ever seen, so we use it for the tomato part of this BLT. Arugula is the lettuce component. And the bacon, well, we use good natural bacon that’s been drained and cooled until it’s nice and crispy, before putting it on the pizza. Under everything else are some sautéed onions. On top is just a touch of coarsely grated parmesan. —BigBear

  • Pizza dough for one 12” pizza
  • One medium onion, sliced thinly horizontally
  • Oil for cooking the onion (or you can cook it in the bacon fat)
  • One half a recipe of Fried Green Tomatoes (on food52, by the cook who’s called more please by margie)
  • Two slices of natural bacon
  • A couple of big handfuls of arugula, washed and spun dry
  • About ½ cup of coarsely grated parmesan
  1. Heat your oven to 550 degrees Fahrenheit, or as hot as you can get it, if it’s less than that. Put a pizza stone in when you turn on the oven. The pizza stone is key here. You want it very, very hot. Put it on a shelf that’s in the middle of the oven.
  2. Cook up the bacon, drain it well, let it get good and crisp, and then cut it into 2” pieces.
  3. Cook the onion in a bit of olive oil, or some bacon fat if you like, in a skillet over medium heat until light brown, stirring occasionally.
  4. Cover a large cookie sheet with parchment paper. If you have a cookie sheet that has one open end, that’s the best kind to use. If you like using one of those big paddles for sliding the pizza onto the stone, you can skip this step.
  5. Roll your pizza dough out very thin directly on the parchment paper (still on the cookie sheet or not, as you prefer), in whatever shape you like.
  6. First you put on the onions, then you spread arugula all over it.
  7. Next put the fried green tomatoes on, with the bacon pieces in the spaces between and around the tomatoes.
  8. Then you throw on the cheese. You can add more if you like, but this is not supposed to be a gooey or cheesy pizza.
  9. When the oven has been hot (at the temperature you set for cooking the pizza) for at least ten minutes, slide the parchment paper and pizza from the cookie sheet onto the stone. For a free form pizza, it may not all sit on the stone, i.e., some might hang over a bit. Don’t worry about it.
  10. Cook for about 8 or 9 minutes, or until the edges are brown and crispy.
  11. Best served with a nice cold one on a lazy Sunday in August.

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1 Review

Margiemic August 10, 2010
What a unique way to use fried green tomatoes! Your green BLT pizza looks so good. Can't wait to give your recipe a try... I will follow it to the letter, particularly #11!