Strawberry red pepper ice cream
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21 Reviews
July 24, 2011
I am so intrigued by this ice cream and will definitely be making it. Sounds absolutely wonderful! Love to pull out our ice cream maker...
July 25, 2011
Thanks, BKR. This ice cream has an interesting texture with the ricotta, peppers and strawberries, and great pink color.
September 1, 2010
I have the same ice cream maker attachment, and I find it tricky to pour into. Your use of of ricotta cheese in the ice cream is quite original, and so appealing. I'm with Lizthechef as a fan of your culinary creativity.
September 1, 2010
Thank you. I just happen to have ricotta and thought it would pair well with the roasted peppers. It was really good right when I made it. Tonight I needed to let it sit for a good 5 minutes for everything to soften again. I really do like the hot paprika as a controlled garnish!
September 1, 2010
Your creativity in the kitchen overwhelms me!
September 1, 2010
You are so kind! Thank you. This was fun to make. It is on the savory side of sweet.
August 31, 2010
Aww thanks, Sagegreen!! This is gorgeous and has such an interesting combination of flavors - I bet it is delicious. It is inspiring me to make something frozen right now. Hooray for the arrival of your ice cream attachment! I can't wait for your next frozen recipe(s)...
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