
Banana cake

November 21, 2016
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Photo by Dechirot
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

A fantastic recipe that allows you to turn overripe bananas into a tasty cake ! A favorite recipe for children' palate and for mothers nose.... —Dechirot

  • overripe bananas 2 or 3
  • sugar ounces 7
  • butter ounces 4,5
  • flour ounces 4,5
  • baking powder packets 2/3
  • eggs 2
  • milk tablespoons 4
  • vanilla sugar packets 1
  • cinnamon teaspoons 1
  1. Mix butter and sugar (included vanilla sugar)
  2. Add milk, cinnamon, beaten eggs and a pinch ok salt
  3. Add mashed bananas and flour in turns, gradually
  4. Butter a cake pan and bake at 320 for 1 hour max

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