Cast Iron

Sourdough pancakes

December 19, 2016
1 Ratings
Photo by Vera Kern
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

Very easy and quick way to make delicious pancakes and a great way to use left over sourdough starter. I would not recommend making a starter just for this recipe but if you keep one anyways, this is a great way to use it on days when you don't bake.
The recipe is very flexible, don't worry too much about being precise. It's also easily scalable, depending on how much starter you have/how many pancakes you need. With the amounts here I usually get around 6-7.
My favorite part about these is that you're only eating slightly fermented flour (no extra flour besides what's in the starter is added) and I've great success with this with people who have problems eating wheat in general.
Vera Kern

  • 1 cup sourdough starter (active or not)
  • 1 egg
  • sweetner (I use honey or date syrup, sugar of any kind should work, too)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • milk (cow's or any kind of nut milk)
  • maple syrup, fruit, whatever you like with pancakes
  1. Whisk 1 cup of sourdough starter with the egg. Don't worry about being precise with the measuring. Just make sure you roughly have one egg per cup of starter
  2. Add your sweetner to taste, I probably use about 1.5 tablespoons of honey.
  3. Whisk everything and add some milk to get to your preferred pancake consistency. This depends on the hydration of your starter and your preference. Sometimes I add none and sometimes up to half a cup.
  4. Get a pan ready. I use a small cast iron skillet. A griddle would work well, too. Melt some fat (I like using coconut oil) but make sure the it doesn't get too hot. Just before making your first pancake, whisk in the baking soda. Bake the pancakes. I use about a quarter cup per pancake.
  5. Serve with your favorite toppings.

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