5 Ingredients or Fewer

Valentine's Strawberry Champagne

February 14, 2017
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Photo by VibrantPlate
  • Makes 6
Author Notes

Celebrate Valentine's with this easy & delicious Strawberry Champagne! Mix champagne with strawberry puree for a delightful drink. —VibrantPlate

What You'll Need
  • 1 bottle champagne
  • 1 cup strawberries, fresh or frozen
  • 1 lime
  1. If you're using frozen strawberries, defrost them. Wash and dry fresh strawberries. Puree strawberries with a stick blender until smooth. Squeeze juice of the lime and add to the puree.
  2. Place strawberry puree in tall glasses, about an inch high.
  3. Pour champagne over strawberry puree, then give the drinks a stir. Decorate with fresh strawberries and serve.

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