5 Ingredients or Fewer

Big Hibiscus Lemonade

June 19, 2017
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Photo by Zoe Ching
  • Serves about 4 glasses
Author Notes

Tart, fruity, sweet and delightfully refreshing. Making this drink is as simple as it gets: you will need lemonade, our Smith Big Hibiscus Iced Tea (which comes in specially packed quart-sized iced teas), filtered water and ice.

This recipe was provided by Smith Teamaker based in Portland, OR. Visit smithtea.com/iced-tea to explore all the Iced Tea offerings. —Zoe Ching

  • 1 quart lemonade
  • 1 quart-sized sachet of Big Hibiscus Iced Tea (by Smith Teamaker)
  • 1 quart ice
  • lemon wedges (optional)
  1. Fill cups up with ice
  2. Pour lemonade into cups about half way full*
  3. Steep tea for 5 minutes
  4. Pour Big Hibiscus over the lemonade up to the top
  5. Give it a stir to incorporate and enjoy
  6. *Lemonade Note: We tested a few different homemade lemonade recipes (Food52 has quite a few good ones) as well as using store bought Simply Lemonade - it all comes down to how much acidity you prefer to sweetness. A fun presentation and alternative approach to this recipe is to place lemon slices on the bottom of every glass and muddle it with simple syrup or a bit of white cane sugar and then pour water or sparkling water to fill half way up the glass and then top the other half off with Big Hibiscus Iced Tea.

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