Make Ahead

Moroccan Butternut Squash with Chicken, Chorizo, and Mussels

October 22, 2010
0 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

Influenced by the Frugal Gourmet I have been making variations on this recipe for over 30 years. This is one of our all time favorite fall and winter dinners. I am featuring more squash in this recipe, so it can take a star role, around which the other ingredients work. For a variation to the original chicken recipe, I have also added chorizo and mussels, after making a paella version this week. For a hearty but at the same time light dinner, the flavors in this dish we love. —Sagegreen

  • olive oil for pan
  • 2 small chicken breasts
  • 1/2 pound fresh chorizo, out of the sausage skin
  • 18 black mussels, cleaned
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
  • 1 large yellow onion, chopped
  • 1 leek, chopped into rounds
  • 1 inch fresh ginger, grated
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander seed
  • 1 teaspoon hot paprika
  • kosher salt to taste
  • fresh milled pepper to taste
  • 2 fresh tomatoes, peeled
  • 1 red bell pepper, cored and sliced into 1/2 inch strips
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 1 parsnip, peeled and chopped
  • 1 turnip, peeled and sliced into chunks
  • 1 carrot, peeled and chopped
  • 1 large butternut squash, peeled, seeded and diced into inch or so size chunks
  • 10 ounces chick peas, cooked
  • 1 ounce dried cranberries
  • 1 ounce sliced dried apricots
  • 1 ounce yellow raisins
  • 3 cups homemade chicken and mussel broth
  • pinch of saffron
  • serve with couscous, rice or other grain
  • bunch of chopped cilantro and flat leaf parsley
  • lemon wedges for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon hot red pepper flakes
  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander seed
  1. In a large Dutch oven brown the chicken with chorizo. Then remove the meat and set aside. When cool, cut up the chicken into small pieces. I keep the skin and bones.
  2. Saute the onion, garlic, leek in olive oil with spices. Add the red pepper and peeled tomatoes and stir over medium heat. Add the white wine and reduce. Next add the other vegetables and fruit; cook for a few minutes.
  3. Pour in the broth. Add the cut up chicken and cleaned mussels. Simmer over medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes. Take out a small amount of the broth and let the saffron infuse in it. Return to the pan and simmer gently until all the vegetables are tender, but not overcooked. Debone the chicken at this point, if you prefer.
  4. In a small pan heat the pepper flakes. Add the oil and stir in the coriander. Serve this in a small bowl on the side. When ready to plate the squash stew, serve over rice, couscous or other grains with chopped herbs and lemon wedges.
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10 Reviews

Table9 October 25, 2010
This is so incredible! How could you go wrong with chorizo...and the photo is beautiful! What are you shooting your dishes with?
Sagegreen October 25, 2010
Thanks. I was totally inspired by Food52's Sarah Shatz when I first joined this community during the summer:

I use my Nikon Coolpix and a small Olympus fe, as a struggling, rank amateur with no training. I am also just learning how to think about writing recipes this week, which I have never done before joining this site. Before I would only look at cookbooks that had color photographs. But now I am taking the time to read recipes.
Table9 October 25, 2010
I am with you! I have always been a passionate home chef, but now I have joined this community on Food52 and it is so inspiring. I have no training in photography either, but my beau is a conceptual photographer and am trying to persuade him to get into food photography :). Me too. I have never written a recipe until this 'butternut squash' contest...cannot wait to get better! Look forward to chatting with you more about our love for food. Are you on twitter?
Sagegreen October 25, 2010
Thanks! I have a site, but really don't follow. Do you have a site? This January I hope to start an interesting blog featuring the daily dirary entries of a landscape gardener from 1911 paired then with my own! I think I may include at least weekly recipes there.
cheese1227 October 24, 2010
You said the magic word: CHORIZO! I bet it does wonderful things to butternut squash.
Sagegreen October 24, 2010
Thanks, cheese1227. This is a great comfort food dinner, and incredibly healthy, too! You can't see the chorizo (or rice) in the photo, but it adds dimension. You could add even more to the recipe, but I was trying to be 'frugal' with quantities.
lapadia October 23, 2010
Very tasty, and I agree about your photo...worthy of a magazine cover!
Sagegreen October 23, 2010
Wow, thanks, lapadia! I keep trying with my photos. My night dinner shots are coming out better lately with stronger lights on.
Lizthechef October 23, 2010
I'm happily overwhelmed as I imagine tasting all the flavors in your recipe. And those photos could be on the cover of a food magazine!
Sagegreen October 23, 2010
Thanks so much Lizthechef! Your enthusiastic comments really have helped me just when I was starting to feel a bit discouraged, (which may have more to do with work than cooking....but somehow things seem to have profound influences).