5 Ingredients or Fewer

Simple Beer-Braised Pot Roast

January 16, 2018
0 Ratings
Photo by Henry Dotson
  • Serves 6-10+
Author Notes

Cheap meat, onions and beer combine for a deliciously simple winter staple. Prep in <30 minutes and feed an army! You can also place it in the refrigerator and store it for about a day before cooking, and it reheats extremely well. —Henry Dotson

What You'll Need
  • 1 3-5lb Chuck Roast
  • 2 12-ounce beers (amber ale works best)
  • 5 Large sweet onions
  • 1 Bag of Potatoes or Egg Noodles
  1. A word regarding meat: The cheaper the better. Seriously, you're looking for a fatty, tough, but flavorful cut. I prefer chuck roast, but round works just as well. If there is a large amount of fat you may want to trim it a bit, but its good to leave at least some attached.
  2. Trim the meat and prepare it for browning. Remove any large chunks of fat, but leave some in place. If necessary, tie up the roast with butcher's twine to help it stay together.
  3. Chop the onions into thin wedges, about 1/2 inch at their widest point.
  4. Heat 2 tbsp of cooking oil in the bottom of an oven safe pot. I use a dutch oven, but anything oven safe and big enough to hold the roast, onions and liquid will work. Add the onions cook until soft.
  5. Season the outside of the roast with salt and pepper, then add it to the pan with the onions and turn the heat up to high. Move the onions to the sides of the pan so the meat makes direct contact with the pan. Cook, rotating periodically until meat is browned on all sides
  6. When the meat is browned, add the two bottles of beer. I recommend an amber ale or lighter, as a very hoppy beer will dominate the flavor of the roast. Refill one bottle with water and add that as well. The liquid should nearly cover the onions and the meat, if you have a large roast you may need to add more beer or water or both.
  7. Optionally, you can add carrots, mushrooms or any other vegetables you like, but these are entirely unnecessary. I like mushrooms sometimes and sometimes I think that the roast is better without complication.
  8. Cover the pot and place in the oven at around 275° for 3-4 hours until the meat is soft enough to break apart with a wooden spoon. Check at least once and make sure that there is plenty of liquid in the pot. If not, add some water.
  9. Serve over boiled potatoes or egg noodles.
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1 Review

Yiyi Z. March 7, 2018