Serves a Crowd


November 18, 2010
0 Ratings
  • Serves 10 to 12
Author Notes

I don't remember where I got this one. Rose Elliot maybe? The basting sauce makes it all brownish and crusty on top. I make it a day or even two before I need to bake it and refrigerate until I'm ready for it. (I've a vegetarian coming for Saturday Thanksgiving and will add a picture after.) —SweetTea

  • cheesecloth
  • 5 pounds firm tofu (2.25kg)
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 1 small red onion, minced
  • 1 1/3 cups diced celery, with leaves if you like
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely minced
  • 1/4 cup minced fresh sage -or- 1/8 cup rubbed
  • 2 teaspoons dried marjoram
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon finely minced fresh savory (winter or summer)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce or tamari
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 3 cups herb stuffing mix
  • 1/2 cup sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons golden miso
  • 5 tablespoons orange juice (I squeeze fresh since I use the zest too)
  • 1 teaspoon honey mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange zest
  • 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  1. In a large mixing bowl, mash and mix well with your hands the 5-pounds of tofu. Be sure all the lumps are removed.
  2. Line a 12-inch (30cm) colander with wet cheesecloth overlapping the sides. Add the crumbled tofu to the cloth covered colander, press down firmly. Cover tofu with overlapping cheesecloth. Place the colander in a large bowl. Cover the cheesecloth with a plate that fits inside the colander and put a rather heavy weight object (a brick works well) on the plate. Refrigerate for at least 2 to 3 hours.
  3. Prepare the stuffing according the package directions; set aside.
  4. In a large skillet, heat the 2 tablespoons sesame oil. Add onions, celery and mushrooms, and sauté. When the onion is soft, add garlic, sage, marjoram, thyme, savory, rosemary, and tamari, mixing well. Stir and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
  5. Add the stuffing and mix well.
  6. If wanted the same day, preheat the oven to 400F (200C). Otherwise skip this.
  7. Grease a baking tray; set aside.
  8. In a small bowl, combine the basting ingredients: the 1/2 cup sesame oil, soy sauce or tamari, miso, orange juice, mustard, and orange zest; mix well.
  9. Take tofu from fridge and remove the weight, plate and top of cheesecloth. Scoop out tofu to within 1-inch (2.5cm) of the sides and bottom of the colander, placing tofu in a medium bowl.
  10. Brush the tofu lining with a small amount of basting sauce.
  11. Put the stuffing inside the shell and pack it firmly. Place the removed tofu on the top of the stuffing mixture and press firmly. If there is any tofu leftover, keep it; you can make tofurkey legs. (At this point I will refrigerate the tofurkey until I'm ready to roast it.)
  12. Turn stuffed tofu onto the prepared baking sheet. Putting the flat-side down. Gently press on the sides of the "turkey" to form a more oval shape. (With any extra tofu shape them into tofurkey legs.
  13. Brush the tofurkey with half of the basting mixture. Place rosemary sprigs on top of the tofu. Cover the tofurkey with aluminium foil.
  14. Bake for 1 hour.
  15. After 1 hour take the tofurkey from the oven and remove the aluminium foil. Baste with remaining sauce -- reserving 4 tablespoons or so of the sauce.
  16. Return the tofurkey to oven and bake another hour or until the tofurkey is golden-brown. Remove from oven.
  17. To serve, carefully, gently transfer the tofurkey to a serving platter (good luck). Brush with remaining basting mixture and serve hot.

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