
Penne with calamari and pesto sauce.

July  7, 2019
0 Ratings
Photo by elena antoniou
  • Prep time 30 minutes
  • Cook time 12 minutes
  • Serves 6
What You'll Need
  • 400 Grams penne
  • 800 Grams calamari cleaned, gutted and slices as thinly as possible.
  • 60 Grams toasted pine nuts
  • 170 Grams home made or good quality pesto sauce
  • 20 Large fresh basil leaves
  • 6 tablespoons Olive oil.
  1. Boil the penne for up to 3 minutes less than indicated on the package. (eg. if it’s 11 minutes, then you cook for 8) Drain but keep half a glass of the cooking water.
  2. Wiz together four tablespoons of olive oil, 15 basil leave and the sea salt.
  3. In a frying pan heat the rest of the olive oil and add the calamari stirring continuously for 2-3 minutes then add half a glass the water from the pasta and after another few minute add the pasta and swirl around. After a further few minutes take off the heat stir in the pesto sauce.
  4. Place in a serving bowl and drizzle the basil oil and sprinkle the pine nuts. Decorate with the rest of the basil leave.

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  • AntoniaJames
  • elena antoniou
    elena antoniou

2 Reviews

AntoniaJames September 30, 2019
Elena, this sounds simply wonderful. I'm going to try it!
When you say to add the pasta water, how much should one add? That clarification within the recipe would be most helpful.
Thank you, Elena. ;o)
elena A. November 20, 2019
I apologize the about the delay. 1/2 a glass of water.