Serves a Crowd

Mozzarella Balls

July 22, 2020
0 Ratings
Photo by Fork My Day
  • Prep time 5 minutes
  • Cook time 5 minutes
  • Makes 11
Author Notes

These delicious, crispy mozzarella balls are perfect for entertaining and a great way to lure your guests to the appetiser table.
Serve these with your favourite dipping sauce or use them as a replacement for meatballs in your favourite pasta, either way …they are delicious and super easy to make. —Fork My Day

What You'll Need
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Oil for frying
  • 2 eggs (beaten)
  • 1 cup grated mozzarella
  • 1 tablespoon parsley (optional)
  • 1 cup grated mild cheddar
  1. Combine both cheese into a medium bowl, prep your egg and breadcrumbs (about 1 cup should do the job) feel free to add some parsley to the breadcrumbs like I did. Roll mozzarella and cheddar together to form small balls.
  2. Once you have formed the cheese into little balls, heat a pan with enough oil to fry on medium heat.
  3. Once the oil is hot, toss balls in egg, coat in breadcrumbs, toss in egg once again and finish with breadcrumbs. Repeat this step with all your mozzarella balls, once you’ve completed this step, add balls to the oil and cook for 1 minute of each side or until golden brown. (If you do not want to fry these, you can add them to a preheated oven at 180° C/350° F/Gas Mark 4 for 5-10 minutes).
  4. Remove from pan, add to a plate lined with kitchen roll to remove excess oil, add to your favourite pasta or eat as a snack and enjoy!

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