5 Ingredients or Fewer

Small-Batch Ginger and Rhubarb Jam

December 15, 2020
2 Ratings
Photo by Sustained Kitchen - Molly
  • Prep time 15 minutes
  • Cook time 24 hours
  • makes 1 cup of jam
Author Notes

My mom has two rhubarb plants in her backyard that absolutely thrive every year. Normally, I bake with some of her harvest in the spring and then return for more in the fall after the stalks have regrown.

Although I follow this spring and fall pattern every year, I've noticed that rhubarb disappears from my social feeds after June. Rhubarb season lasts through October and it's such a delicious and versatile plant, but a lot of people seem to ditch it once spring is over. What's with this? In this recipe, I'm calling for rhubarb justice.

To showcase rhubarb's long season, I combined my beloved rhuby with ginger, a very autumnal flavor. The result is a punchy, warming and lightly sweet jam that pairs perfectly with cornbread, sourdough, scones, whole grain loaves and more. —Sustained Kitchen - Molly

What You'll Need
  • 1 1/2 cups diced rhubarb
  • 1/4 cup grated ginger, from a 3-inch ginger root
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
  1. Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepot over medium heat. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved. This will take a few minutes.
  2. Turn the heat to medium-high and bring the jam to a boil. Let it boil for 7-10 minutes. If you want a thinner jam, boil for around 7 minutes. If you want a thicker jam, boil for the full 10 minutes. (Note: if you boil the jam for too long, it will be too thick to spread after it sets. If your jam sets too thick, microwave it for about 20 seconds to soften the jam each time you use it.)
  3. Turn off the heat and transfer the jam to a glass jar. Leave at room temperature for about 30 minutes, or until it has cooled slightly. Then, transfer to the refrigerator and let the jam set for 24 hours before digging in. Store in the fridge for up to one month.

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1 Review

Colleen April 19, 2024
Hi im sorry to say this recipe is very sickly sweet there isn't enough of a punch from the rhubarb to even out the sweetness sorry