Make Ahead

Gnudi with brown butter and sage

May  3, 2021
0 Ratings
Photo by studious_foodie
  • Prep time 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Cook time 5 minutes
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

Like gnocchi, but made with ricotta as opposed to potato. These are soft quenelles of pure 'naked' joy, the name alluding to the lack of a pasta/ravioli casing. They can also be called "malfatti" (literally "badly formed/made" because their shape can slop rather erratically during the poaching). Gnudi (pronounced 'nyoo-dee', the 'g' is just as silent as the pillowy-ness of these delights) is classically served with a sage brown-butter sauce.

What You'll Need
  • 150-200 grams SPINACH
  • 70 grams BUTTER
  • 1 clove of GARLIC
  • 35 grams PLAIN FLOUR
  • 115 grams RICOTTA
  • 1 large EGG YOLK
  • 50 grams grated PARMESAN
  • 1 teaspoon LEMON ZEST
  • 1/4 teaspoon WHITE PEPPER
  • 1 handful FRESH SAGE leaves
  1. Blanch the spinach in salty water until wilted but still vividly green. Squeeze the leaves of excess water & chop. Set aside.
  2. Next heat 20g of the butter in a pan and sauté the shallot & garlic. Stir in the spinach.
  3. Plop this into a large bowl and mix in the flour, ricotta, egg yolk, parmesan & lemon zest. Season with the white pepper & sea salt (I use Maldon).
  4. Traditionally these little gnudi are round, but I've gone for a more modernist/ minimised mess approach. So with two tablespoons shape the mixture into large quenelles and place on a tray dusted with flour.
  5. Chill for at least an hour. I would recommend making them in the morning & cooking them later in the day. When ready to serve, bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil and poach those gnudi for about 3 minutes. Using a slotted spoon fish them out and onto a bed of whatever base you desire (pasta, salad, etc).
  6. While the gnudi are poaching put the leftover 50g of butter into a frying pan. Let melt and then scatter in the sage leaves. By the time they crisp up and the butter browns the gnudi should be done!! Ladle over lovingly & then scoff it.

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