Slow Cooker

Les' OG Slow cooked Beef stew

August 23, 2021
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  • Prep time 40 minutes
  • Cook time 8 hours
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

Who doesn't love a good slow-cooked beef stew? Chuck all the ingredients together in the slow-cooker, head off to do whatever you like, come back 6 hours later and voila - dinner is ready.

This is one of my favs - hard to beat on a cold winter evening —G_Les

  • 2 Onions (Red or Brown - whatever you have to hand)
  • 4 Celery sticks
  • 6 Carrots
  • 1kg Diced stewing beef (can be any cheap cut for stewing - you're gonna cook it for 6 hours or more, so it's going to be tender)
  • 1 Pot of tomato paste (140g)
  • 1 Can (440g) of diced/crushed tomatoes - here in Straya I try to buy local to support our Aussie farmers. If the imported ones from Italy are cheaper than the local Australian ones, you've gotta ask yourself how they do that.
  • 4 Bay leaves
  • 2 teaspoons Dried Italian herbs (just the ones in the spice section of the supermarket)
  • 1 teaspoon Smoked paprika
  • 2 teaspoons Cornflour
  • 2 Stock cubes (you can use whatever you have in the pantry, beef will make the stew much richer, but I like to use veggie stock cubes because they add a bit more flavour)
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce (is that Woostershire or Wor-Cester-shire - anyway, it doesn't matter, just chuck it in)
  • 600 milliliters hot water
  1. A lot of my recipes seem to start with what Jamie Oliver refers to as the Holy Trinity - onion, celery, carrots. Anyway, roughly cut up the onions and celery. With the carrots, imagine Moto-Moto from Madagascar 2 is eyeing off your carrots. Like him, I like mine chunky. Saute these three in olive oil (2 tablespoons or so) until the onion is soft. I do this in a big enamel pot, because I add all the ingredients together before putting in the slow cooker
  2. Add in paprika, herbs and bay leaves and mix together - cook for a couple of minutes
  3. Add the beef to the mix and gently cook until it is sealed.
  4. Add the tomato paste, tomatoes and crumble to stock cubes in as well
  5. add 600ml of water and then transfer to the slow cooker
  6. set for a minimum of 6 hours, but you can do longer if you have time
  7. Sit back with a cup of tea feeling very self-satisfied that you have produced another excellent meal for your family
  8. Go off and do other stuff until it is cooked and then serve with mash potato and some greens.

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