Make Ahead

Warm Roasted Beet-Orange Salad with Goat Cheese

January  9, 2011
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  • Serves 2
Author Notes

Diced orange wedges, goat cheese, parsley, and coriander seed made these slightly over-roasted beets into a divine salad. —ichibanbrianne

  • 3 medium or 2 large red beets
  • 1 orange plus one teaspoon zest
  • 1 splash sesame oil
  • Handful chopped curly parsley
  • 2 tablespoons goat cheese
  • Dash coriander seeds
  1. Preheat the oven to 400F. Peel and slice beets into 1/2 centimeter pieces. Chop in half and place in baking dish or roasting pan. Squeeze the juice of half of the orange onto the beets. Add a splash of sesame oil and one tablespoon of julienned orange zest. Season with salt and fresh ground pepper. Roast in oven for about 30 minutes, until the beets are to your liking.
  2. Divide the beets into two bowls and to each add a tablespoon of the goat cheese, the rest of the orange (diced with the sections removed), chopped parsley, and coriander seeds. Share and enjoy!

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