5 Ingredients or Fewer

xxx nibbles

January 13, 2011
4 Ratings
  • Serves 4 with cocktails, really it is all arbitrary make as many as you like
Author Notes

These are adult only nibbles. They are the kind of bite you should only eat with a stiff cocktail. Something with one of the vermouth sisters preferably. Maybe a Manhattan even a Martini but if that is not your thing a good glass of wine will suffice.
Two or three of these, an apertif and a great dinner will make for an extremely satisfying evening. Really the goose fat alone should have its own place and be traded on the precious metals market.

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  • 12 each, castelvetrano olives, non-salty olives is a must
  • kumquats, quartered and seeds removed
  • Prosciutto of your choosing, pork, duck or goose
  1. get some tooth picks and I think you can figure this one out.

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20 Reviews

pierino February 10, 2011
Good choice on the olives, Bro T. But goose liver and prosciutto, I think are already traded as "rare earth" on the commodities market. Everything comes from China these days.
betteirene February 8, 2011
Good one! I would also like to nominate you for best instructions ever.
thirschfeld February 9, 2011
thanks betteirene. It took days to get the instructions just right.
cheese1227 February 9, 2011
Hmmm, days or opportunities to test them with various cocktails....
Sasha (. February 7, 2011
So simple, yet elegant. Nice work :) I can almost taste it...
thirschfeld February 9, 2011
thank you Sasha
MrsWheelbarrow February 7, 2011
Tom, when you first posted this I thought "I have to find me a goose." Instead, I'm seriously considering a road trip to Indiana. Your food is so enticing!
thirschfeld February 7, 2011
MrsWheelbarrow you can come for a visit anytime, well, you probably don't want to come right now cause the little ones are still sick, but doing better, nasty flu going around here.
cheese1227 February 7, 2011
Very cool combination.
Savorykitchen February 7, 2011
Gorgeous. And lucky me, with a freezer full of duck prosciutto. :-)

Cocktail-wise: I think it would pair really well with a Martinez.
thirschfeld February 7, 2011
I would have to agree with there but aren't you thinking about a cocktail awfully early on the morning. LOL.
Savorykitchen February 7, 2011
I'm opening a restaurant. I'm never *not* thinking about a cocktail.
thirschfeld February 7, 2011
That is probably good then. I hope all is going well with the place. I keep seeing some beautiful photos of work that is happening.
Derek B. February 4, 2011
what is charcutepaloooza?!! sounds like my kind of gathering!
MrsWheelbarrow February 7, 2011
Check out Charcutepalooza at www.charcutepalooza.com and also here on Food52 - http://www.food52.com/blog/category/126_charcutepalooza
TheWimpyVegetarian February 4, 2011
I would love to try this! I think kumquats are one of the most underused citrus out there! I love them and buy them whenever I see them. And congrats on your beautiful looking prosciutto. What kind is it?? I made some a couple years ago in school and making it yourself beats anything you're going to find at the store.
hardlikearmour January 13, 2011
Nice! Did you make the prosciutto yourself?
thirschfeld January 13, 2011
Thanks, yes I did make it. I am taking part in Charcutepalooza
hardlikearmour January 13, 2011
Cool! Can't wait to hear more of your charcuterie adventures.
hardlikearmour February 4, 2011
When I saw the contest theme, this recipe immediately popped into my head! It's perfect, and I will not be surprised if it ends up as a finalist.