Cast Iron

Orange Cardamom French2 Toast

January 30, 2011
0 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

So simple but what flavor! And what better use for last night's french bread? Just one of those cold sunday morning recipes, spawned from a mixture of no ingredients/ odd ingredients. I love when I'm "cooking" and I start to feel like I'm on one of those food reality shows. Try it, you'll love it! —Pastry Ninja

  • 2.5 Orange Simple Syrup
  • 2 cups Baker's Sugar
  • 2 cups Purified Water
  • 2 tablespoons Light Corn Syrup or Agave
  • 2 pieces 1/3 Orange Segment
  • 2 teaspoons Grand Mariner
  • French2 Toast
  • 10 - 12 pieces Thick Slices Good French Bread
  • 6 Eggs
  • 1 - 2 cups Whole Milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
  • Orange Simple Syrup (for brushing)
  • Decoritated or Whole Cardamom
  1. 2.5 Orange Simple Syrup
  2. As with any recipe involving cooked sugar, start with a very clean pot with as few nicks/dents as you have. Cut your orange pieces, place them in the pot, and sprinkle with 1/2 C sugar. Let the sugar rest on the fruit until it absorbs some of the juice and starts to look slightly wet.
  3. Add the remaining granulated sugar, followed by the liquid sugar and water and bring the whole lot to a boil over medium high heat. Cook for a few minutes, depending on your altitude and a few other factors, until the syrup goes totally clear. Remove from your heat source.
  4. Let the syrup cool about 1 minute then remove your orange pieces. Strain through a fine mesh or cheese cloth sheet to get any remaining bits of pith, rind, or fruit pulp out. Add your grand mariner and store in the fridge for up to about 3 weeks.
  1. French2 Toast
  2. Start by making your Orange simple syrup if you haven't yet. Crack eggs and whisk lightly with ground cinnamon. Add your milk and whisk to combine thoroughly.
  3. In a large cast iron pan over medium to medium-high heat, heat the cardamom for about 30 seconds to toast. Add enough butter to coat the bottom of the pan for cooking and heat until the cardamom becomes fragrant in the butter. You can slide the cardamom seeds away from the center of the pan but they cook down enough to not worry about if a few remain on the toast.
  4. Brush a small amount of your orange simple syrup over both sides of the bread. Dip the bread in your egg mixture then cook off 2 - 3 minutes per side, flipping as little as possible. Refresh your cardamom butter now and again throughout.
  5. Serve nice and hot with lots of warm maple syrup and butter. Even try them with warmed orange marmalade if you're feeling adventurous! NOTE: If you find you really like the cardamom flavor, you can forgo the cardamom in the pan and instead add to the egg mixture, with the cinnamon, about 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom. ~~ENJOY!~~

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