5 Ingredients or Fewer

Chocolate Orange Shrikandh

February 19, 2011
3 Ratings
  • Makes 4-5
Author Notes

How about a pudding that even nursery school children can help make. This involves no baking or cooking, no not even a thickening agent, just simple, honest ingredients. And what is more, it is even good for you! —vegetarianirvana

  • 1 cup homemade strained yogurt or labneh [or Fage 2% strained yogurt]
  • 2 tablespoon orange juice, fresh or otherwise
  • 3 tablespoon unsweetened pure cocoa powder
  • 3 tablespoon icing sugar
  • a few candied orange peels [optional] for decoration.
  1. whisk the first four ingredients to a smooth homogenous consistancy.
  2. Refrigerate for an hour to set. [Though if the strained yogurt and OJ are cold you can dig in right away!.]
  3. Serve topped with candied orange peel if using. Ta Da that simple!
  4. This recipe adapts well to changes in the amount of cocoa, sugar or OJ, as long as you keep it to a gooey pudding consistancy.
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8 Reviews

ellenl February 19, 2011
Can't wait to make this.
vegetarianirvana February 22, 2011
Ellenl and dynamo, do let me know how it turned out if you ever attempt making it.
dymnyno February 19, 2011
I love that this is good for me!! Chocolate and orange are one of my favorite combinations.
Sagegreen February 19, 2011
This sounds wonderful. For a minute I thought the candied orange was bacon!
vegetarianirvana February 19, 2011
There's an idea, seems to be a trend to add bacon to sweets.
Sagegreen February 20, 2011
...but your candied orange looks much more beautiful than bacon!
vegetarianirvana February 19, 2011
Hi H,
With OJ concentrate you could reduce the amount perhaps?. This pudding base is very adaptable to your taste, I myself tried different amounts of cocoa, sugar and OJ till I felt it all fell into place.
hardlikearmour February 19, 2011
I wonder how orange juice concentrate would work? Do you think the orange would be overpowering?