5 Ingredients or Fewer

Kibbutz Carrot Salad

February 27, 2011
2 Ratings
  • Serves 4 - 6
Author Notes

In 1961 my sister spent a year on a kibbutz in Israel, and came home with this recipe. In 1981, my husband and I had a store with a natural foods deli, and served this salad. 2011, we still make it and have found no reason to do it any differently. If you want, try blood orange for the juice, or grate raw beets with the carrots, or use gogi berries in place of raisins... or just keep making it according to the original, simple and elegant directions. On the kibbutz, it probably showed up at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Why not? —susan g

  • 1 pound carrots (organic preferred)
  • 1/3 cup raisins
  • 1 juice orange
  • 1 lemon
  1. Grate the carrots, using food processor or box grater, with a coarse blade. Put the grated carrots in a serving bowl.
  2. Squeeze orange and lemon, add juice to carrots.
  3. Add raisins to bowl and stir. You can serve immediately, but if you wait about an hour, the raisins will absorb some of the juice and mellow out the sweet and tart tastes.
  4. This will keep a few days refrigerated.

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3 Reviews

AntoniaJames March 30, 2011
This looks so good. I really like Step 4: "This will keep a few days refrigerated." I've been looking for more salads that hold in the fridge for a few days . . . so this is just perfect. Plus the combination of lemon + orange is so under-appreciated. I'm making this tonight!! Thanks for posting it. ;o)
kmartinelli February 28, 2011
Yum! I love the simplicity of kibbutz-inspired salads.
susan G. March 1, 2011
My sister doesn't even use the raisins any more...