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Katheryn's K.
July 2, 2015
I just zest directly into my bowl or whatever pan I am using. I think most can eyeball a teaspoon or tablespoon of zest, it's not the end of the world if there is the measurement is a little off.
April 28, 2015
If you don't need to measure the zest, zest directly over the bowl (or pan, or skillet) so you catch the essential oils.
January 30, 2015
I've always held the microplane like this. It is just so much easier to move the plane over the fruit rather than the fruit over the plane. I do nutmeg in the other orientation.
April 13, 2014
I zest dozens of lemons at a time. I place the zest in ice cube trays and fill with water. To thaw, I just toss the needed amount of cubes in a sieve and in a flash, I have fresh zest!
April 11, 2014
I was sort of curious about this, so I did some quick research. The method described here is how the company that produces the Microplane (tm) zester instructs how it is to be used. http://us.microplane.com/microplanepremiumseries2pcset.aspx Click on the FAQ. ;o)
cucina D.
April 11, 2014
I do this too! I was gifted with zest dr years ago and I immediately turned it upside down not knowing anything different :) it works great for me every time, thanks for the great article!
Jackie P.
April 10, 2014
While I appreciate the tip; I don't like doing it that way. It seems much less....graceful...in my hands to do it that way. I just slap that puppy over the bowl and grate away - all oils and zest are going into the bowl regardless. Plus, I never measures my zest anyway.
April 10, 2014
Have you tried switching hands as well? I am 95% sure that when I want to grate willy-nilly (eg dusting pasta with cheese at the table), I hold the grater stationary with my left hand and move the cheese over it with my right (I am a rightie). On the other hand (pun intended), to collect the gratings (as with zest), I hold the lemon stationary in the palm of my left hand while moving the grater with my (more dexterous) right hand. But to each their own!
April 10, 2014
I had the same experience as AntoniaJames. Now that I know it's a 'trick', I'll pass it on. Thank you.
S.M. H.
April 10, 2014
Me too! You can see how much of the fruit you've zested by simply flipping the microplane! :)
April 10, 2014
This is so funny, because I didn't realize there was any other way to do it. I bought my first Microplane (tm) zester before I'd ever seen anyone else use one. The engineer in me figured out immediately that the method you describe is best for another reason: you have so much more control over the angle and sweep of the tool when you use it in your dominant hand, almost like a paintbrush, with a gentle pulling motion. You can get so much more zest off, and more evenly (which is important for citrus, as you don't want the bitter pith), when you do it this way. I actually thought to myself, when I first started using the tool, how clever the manufacturer was to design it in such a way that the zest was all so neatly contained, making it easy to scrape off. At moments like these, I feel like I'm in the wrong business . . . . ;o)
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