Edible Gift

The Best Way to Wrap a Quick Bread

December  9, 2014

Inspired by conversations on the Food52 Hotline, we're sharing tips and tricks that make navigating all of our kitchens easier and more fun.

Today: Quick bread’s answer to paper vs. plastic.

Quick Breads

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If you are searching for the right holiday or hostess gift, fresh-baked quick breads are always the answer: They're comforting, universally loved, and -- like homemade donuts -- members of the select family of baked goods that work perfectly as both dessert and breakfast. 

Baking a quick bread, by definition, should be easy. Wrapping it so it stays fresh and looks classy (and not like a sad bake-sale castoff) is even easier. All you need is 20 seconds and some waxed paper or parchment. Here's how to make your quick breads look pretty for all your holiday gifting needs.

More: Gift your vegan friends this rich, spiced date loaf. (You can give it to your non-vegan friends, too.)


Choose Your Weapon
Leave the plastic wrap and aluminum foil in the drawer with the baggies and orphaned twist-ties. Plastic wrap will make especially moist quick breads (pumpkin, banana) gummy, while aluminum foil tends to crinkle and looks a little too pulled-from-the-freezer. Waxed paper or parchment is the way to go here. Waxed paper balances form and function -- it’s the designer sofa of kitchen wraps, if you will. It allows you to wrap your quick bread so it looks elegant and also keeps it fresh. 

Wrap It Up
Wrapping a full-sized loaf of quick bread works best with parchment paper, which tends to come in a wider dimension than waxed paper, although it gets a bit more crinkly, and less smooth. (Waxed paper is the perfect size for mini-loaves, but can also be used for full-sized loaves, too -- more on that below.)

Here's how to wrap a mini loaf:

Wrapping Quick Breads How to Wrap a Quick Bread
How to Wrap a Quick Bread Wrapping

Cut a length of paper about four or five times the width of your loaf, and place the bread in the center. Draw the ends of the paper together above the bread, then fold the paper down several times in two or three crisp folds until it’s flush with the top of the quick bread. If there’s enough width to fold the sides under, great. Press the center of the paper down, fold each sides’ “wings” into points, like you’re making a paper plane, and tuck them under.  

If you’re going to be a little short on the sides, just trim the excess width off so it is flush with the quick bread (see below). Draw the ends of the paper together above the bread, then fold the paper down as described above, and secure it with some twine or ribbon. For storage purposes, you may want to place it in a bread box or bag after 24 hours since the sides are exposed -- in case yours is the first loaf in history to not get housed within a day -- but as a gift, this presentation will look clean and elegant.

Here's how to wrap a standard-sized loaf with wax paper:

Wrapping Wrapping
Wraps Wrap

Photos by James Ransom

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See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • Toni baby
    Toni baby
  • Posie (Harwood) Brien
    Posie (Harwood) Brien
  • AntoniaJames
Recovering lawyer, food writer, pastry chef, and lover of food-related everything (namely: cheese, baked goods, and anything made by Mom)


Toni B. May 13, 2022
Thank you so much! We have a great friend/Pro-soccer goalkeeper visiting us from Mexico and he just loves Starbucks banana nut bread! So I’ve decided to bake some for him as a gift but didn’t know how To present it since I’m short on time. I’ve been looking for simple yet elegant ways to package it with things I might have around the house. This is perfect!
Posie (. December 11, 2014
Ah, I love this! I've always had a hard time figuring out a nice way to present loaf cakes as gifts!
AntoniaJames December 9, 2014
Please help me understand why you don't rotate the bread 90" to get the width that you need to wrap the ends. Yes, you need to cut the paper by hand, but why would one ever wish to leave the ends open? Is this just a preliminary step for an inner wrapping? I'm a bit confused by this.

Incidentally, here's how I bundle up loaves wrapped in booze-soaked fine cheesecloth. For gift giving, nestling the loaf in a disposable loaf pan not only makes it pretty, but also provides stability/protection en route. http://instagram.com/p/wZf7j5mB2F/ ;o)