A New Way to Dinner, co-authored by Food52's founders Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs, is an indispensable playbook for stress-free meal-planning (hint: cook foundational dishes on the weekend and mix and match ‘em through the week).
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November 18, 2023
Are you sure we're meant to use a 12 inch skillet? Seems excessive for that amount of batter.
Amanda H.
November 19, 2023
Yes, but you can use a 10- or 11-inch skillet if that's what you have! I wouldn't go smaller though. Part of what's great about this is the thin pancake layer that forms on the base while the edges puff.
November 20, 2023
Thanks! I have a 12-inch cast iron just thought the batter wouldn't sufficiently cover the bottom. Going to try this soon!
Jack F.
January 3, 2016
This is actually the classic Finnish Kropsua or Pannukakku and Finns have been making it for a thousand years and more. Don't use the recipes that call for equal milk and flour, increase the milk.
March 14, 2014
Does it really rise up the sides of the pan like this? I made it last night and it was delicious and bubbly, but it stayed at the bottom of the pan and was quite thick. Do you swirl the batter around before baking it?
All in all very easy and quick, super enjoyable and versatile recipe, thank you!
All in all very easy and quick, super enjoyable and versatile recipe, thank you!
Amanda H.
March 14, 2014
It does! I'm mystified because I've never had a problem with it not rising up the sides of the pan. Was your oven fully heated before putting in the pan? That's the only reason I can think of that it wouldn't rise up the sides.
Joanne L.
February 10, 2012
Last week my daughter called me for the recipe for what we lovingly called "The Big Fat Pancake" in our house. I remember the day when my mother and I found the recipe in the New York Times. We tried it right away and were hooked. Through some errors, I learned that if you want to double the recipe, bake it in 2 pans (I use cast iron skillets.) We love it with lemon and confectioner's sugar--nothing else. And, each one doesn't serve more than 2 people. I guess we're big eaters.
Pauline G.
December 29, 2011
Amanda, I just saw the comment you left on my "Big Pancake" Blogher post (not sure when you left it) so I zipped right on over here. i love getting more backstory on the mastermind behind the Big Pancake. I will have to share it with my kids, who clamor for this delicacy every weekend. Thank you for introducing me -- and loads of others -- to this fabulous concoction. I love your site, btw, and will be visiting for recipe ideas! Best, Pauline
December 10, 2011
I made this often for our family. My husband and I were not married until 1967 so I don't think we saw the original post but my recollection is that sometime in the 70's (perhaps when cc was retiring)?) it was reprised as a most requested recipe. We called it puff pancake in our family to distinguish it from "flat pancakes".
Thanks for the memories.
Thanks for the memories.
April 25, 2011
I love this - the story, the letter, the history and the recipe itself. It's right up my alley and I can't wait to try it out!
January 9, 2011
My mom made these when we were growing up in the 70s. She called them Bismarcks. So delicious. Just made the Eyre recipe this morning, and even though I used half the butter called for in the pan, it was delicious!
January 4, 2011
Conard Eyre's note is beautiful to read. It's so nice she let you share it with us.
January 3, 2011
@reatta - If you look under the first picture for the slideshow, there is an orange "share" symbol and next to that is a printer icon. If you click on that, it gives you a print-ready version of the recipe without all the photos.
January 3, 2011
This is one recipe that I haven't tweaked. I'm too afraid that if I change it, it will be for the worse. How cool is the Internet! What would Craig Claiborne/Pierre Franey have done with it?
January 3, 2011
Aw, what a sweet letter. And as I've mentioned before, this recipe has become my family's fav weekend bfast...so easy and tasty. We all love it.
January 3, 2011
loved your recipe for pancakes and will make them this week, however i did not like getting 5 pages of pics with recipe, to much ink to waste. did i do something wrong in printing it. thanks rae thomson
Amanda H.
January 3, 2011
Didn't realize it would print the entire slideshow -- sorry about that. I've forwarded this to our tech team to look into. Thanks for letting me know!
January 3, 2011
Happy New Year! How cool to get a note from David Eyer's daughter! I hope you scrapebook all the notes from recipe originators to keep with your copy of the Cookbook for posterity sake. What an historic addendum it would make. I only made a similar recipe in the past year and fell in love with it. I love it as a dessert; quick to make, not too sweet and with a lot of possibilities for garnishing it. I must give this version a try. Thanks for the update to the original posting of this recipe.
Kitchen B.
January 3, 2011
How fantastic - and what a small world this is. Thanks for sharing the update with us. I still have to make it :-). Have a great 2011 everyone
January 2, 2011
This is so, so wonderful. Thank you for sharing this with us, Amanda - you must have just been bursting when you received this note!
January 2, 2011
Good heavens! This was a family classic for us as well, but I hadn't had it in years until last week. I didn't trust my popover pans not to stick, so I thought I'd go back to this old favorite. We sometimes had it with the powdered sugar, sometimes with the apples that others seem to like. But usually, we ate it with lingonberries, and that's what we did last week. I'm off to search and see if I can find an original clipping.
Amanda H.
January 2, 2011
Hello all, and happy New Year! Please check out the updated blog post, with a letter from David Eyre's daughter, Conard!
November 3, 2010
Inspired by your new book, my mother handed over three recipe scrapbooks to me earlier this week for me to "borrow". I've poured over them, called her several times, done a lot of google research and reminisced intensely about meals she cooked in the early 60s and 70s and how important those ingredients, flavors, smells and recipes are to who I am. The books are falling apart but the "food memories" of my childhood are like yesterday. Last night, she asked "do you remember the David Eyre pancakes". Huh, I asked? Reading over the ingredients list (and finding the Claiborne recipe from 1966 of the delicious pancake covered in sugar and lemon in her scrapbook) brought me back to when I was a child -- loved that oven baked pancake and anything lemony. Thank you so much for your new book and more importantly for opening up a wealth of recipes Mom (and her Mom) handed down to me (mostly NY Times recipes I'll add, mostly Claiborne, Beard). From, a fellow food writer (www.lightheartedlocavore.com), and fan of yours, Lexi Van de Walle....
Inspired by your new book, my mother handed over three recipe scrapbooks to me earlier this week for me to "borrow". I've poured over them, called her several times, done a lot of google research and reminisced intensely about meals she cooked in the early 60s and 70s and how important those ingredients, flavors, smells and recipes are to who I am. The books are falling apart but the "food memories" of my childhood are like yesterday. Last night, she asked "do you remember the David Eyre pancakes". Huh, I asked? Reading over the ingredients list (and finding the Claiborne recipe from 1966 of the delicious pancake covered in sugar and lemon in her scrapbook) brought me back to when I was a child -- loved that oven baked pancake and anything lemony. Thank you so much for your new book and more importantly for opening up a wealth of recipes Mom (and her Mom) handed down to me (mostly NY Times recipes I'll add, mostly Claiborne, Beard). From, a fellow food writer (www.lightheartedlocavore.com), and fan of yours, Lexi Van de Walle....
Amanda H.
November 28, 2010
Lexi, thank you so much for your note! It's amazing how many people loved that pancake. Hope you'll find some new favorites in the book. (And if you do, let me know!). - A
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