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la G.
March 7, 2018
I used to own a restaurant. At the time, there was a glut of California Pinot Noir and it was being bottled and marketed in many different contexts. We sold a bottle for $38CDN (10 yrs ago) and couldn't keep up with demand. My supplier subsequently told me that the same exact wine (under a different label) was retailing in the States as "Two-Buck Chuck". Good wine nothing to do with price.
March 28, 2018
la greca, you speak the truth. I've been in the food & bev industry for decades. I know you know what you're talking about. Unfortunately, Two Buck Chuck is no longer only two bucks. Still, it remains the preferred cooking AND drinking wine for my household. Excellent table wines for everyday consumption. No pretension. That's the way the REAL world enjoys wine.
February 15, 2016
I always ask whatever the house red or white is and order a glass. It's always drinkable and affordable and suits me just fine. But then, I live in California where decent table wines have always been affordable. Wine is just a part of the meal and never something I empty my bank account for.
Lisa R.
February 14, 2016
When my friend and I go to a new restaurant we always ask the somm to "Show us a treasure" and give a price range. We have never been disappointed and have found some treasures indeed!
Steven H.
February 14, 2016
True they can be very helpful or just trying to move stock that may be just fine but 90% NYC restaurants don't have a Somm 99% outside NYC don't have a Somm...above advice very helpful if your on your own...some Bartenders like myself have some good knowledge of inhouse stock most do not
February 5, 2016
Totally agree! And I, too, am completely at a loss to understand why Loire Valley wines aren't more popular.
Laura H.
February 5, 2016
Somms are there to help you! That's what they do, it's their passion. And the best ones will go out of their way to find the perfect wine for your tastes and price range.
Scott L.
February 6, 2016
Completely agree, but I do have to say that when there isn't a somm (and in Portland, OR it's rare when there is) lists like this are wonderful.
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