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March 16, 2012
My Piglet bracket was such an epic fail that I don't know if I'll ever be able to complete another bracket again. Plus, I'm really bad at making decisions, so I would probably end up in a huge debate with myself about my picks, and that just kind of defeats the purpose, right? I do enjoy looking at brackets others have made and briefly contemplating a hypothetical bracket of my own, though. These ones are quite fun!
March 16, 2012
PBS Food is doing an awesome food bracket called Sandwich Madness. It's getting really heated lol. http://www.pbs.org/food/features/sandwich-madness/
Nozlee S.
March 16, 2012
I, for one, LOVE brackets -- it's fun to compare apples to oranges, whether they're condiments or types of barbecue or books or basketball teams!
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