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September 27, 2016
It must have been almost 10 years ago when I first saw this on Rachael Ray's show. I still haven't tried it.
August 25, 2016
I learned about this method on this site a few years ago and if you have the right lids it works great every time and is indeed a time saver for people who try to squeeze in a home cooked meal after racing back home after a long day.
August 24, 2016
Sounds to me like if the tomatoes are at all ripe, you're going to squish them. Just get a sharp knife and cut across the stem scar- it doesn't take that long.
July 31, 2014
not quite the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Appreciate the damn tomato and slice it one tomato at a time. Who can possibly be in this much of a rush?
July 31, 2014
but, for a salad, you might want to slice grapes in half - an this would likely work for them, and if you're slicing a large number of cherry tomatoes for a salad or stir fry - this is a nifty trick, sounds like to me. I don't often have the reason to do so, but would try this if I did have call. Although -- might take as long to find the lids as the time saved ;D
July 30, 2014
Use the plastic screw tops from Glad round containers. They are deeper, sturdier and slide around less. You can apply a good deal of pressure so tomatoes of different sizes will work. Remember to save the tops when the containers crack.
July 23, 2014
This is great way to slice. We love fruit salad, instead of chopping all of those big grapes we use 2 salad plates instead of using plastic lids. Just keep pressure on the top plate as you pass the knive thru, keeps those lil' suckers in place.
July 22, 2014
you could actually use it, I would think, for a variety of round fruits and veggies - small potatoes, grapes, .... are there others?
July 22, 2014
Small potatoes if they're cooked . . . but not if they're raw. Grapes, yes, if they are large enough not to be enclosed by the rims of the lids. Kumquats, e.g., for marmalade, probably. ;o)
July 22, 2014
This was one of the first hacks published on Food52 a few years ago. It's a good one; I've used it many times. May I add a tip for getting the best results? To get the best results, one should use tomatoes that are all about the same size. We can only buy cherry and grape tomatoes by the basket at nearly all of the stores and markets in this area, so it's important to pick your baskets with that in mind. Some include a wide range of sizes, especially the colorful baskets with several types of tomatoes. I use this method a lot, especially since trying this marvelous appetizer (which I've now made several times in the past few months), a real "hidden gem" here on Food52: https://food52.com/recipes/28029-baked-feta-with-mediterranean-tomato-sauce ;o)
July 22, 2014
Brilliant. Gotta try this trick next time I do one of my most favorite FOOD52 recipes.
Chris G.
August 26, 2013
I'm so excited! Have to go home tonight and slice some up for dinner. Thanks for the tip!
August 25, 2013
...thank-u sooo much on sharing this tip--I'll never look at tomatoes the same when it comes to chasing those little guy's around to half them-clever-clever!!
August 14, 2012
Thank you again to all the people who have curiosity and take the time to ponder ....what if!!!!!!
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