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Marian B.
November 12, 2012
The Romanesco - Fibonacci connection is my new favorite fun fact. I love it when food geekdom and math geekdom can unite.
November 12, 2012
Beautiful brassicas! I've got a big, pouffy head of yellow broccoli flowers on the deck. It was too beautiful to pick so was let to go to seed. The romanesco numbers fact is infinitely fascinating. I love this series!
Nozlee S.
November 12, 2012
Wow, Shalini! I'd love to see a photo of that. I think broccoli flowers are so beautiful!
November 10, 2012
Sandy left me with 3 heads of Cauliflower, romanesco, orange & purple and no means of preserving them.. Ended up making a huge load of fabulous 'Achar' (pickles) with them.
November 10, 2012
I have a special love for gai lan (or kai lan or Chinese broccoli), a broccoli in which the stems and leaves are at least as important or more important that the flower buds. And broccolini, which I think is a regular fruiting broccoli - gai lan cross.
Nozlee S.
November 12, 2012
Gai lan is actually a different cultivar group in the Brassica family from broccoli and cauliflower! Regardless, it's so delicious -- I love the stems and leaves. And you're right that broccolini is a trademarked cross between broccoli and gai lan.
November 10, 2012
I disagree with the contention that raw broccoli is just as good as cooked broccoli. If you have a good recipe for raw broccoli (that doesn't invollve tons of mayo), I'd love to see it.
Kristen M.
November 10, 2012
I would have agreed with you, until Food52er Anitalectric served me pasta tossed in raw broccoli pesto. I started making a (mayo-free) slaw inspired by it -- recipe here: http://wholefoodsmarketcooking.com/recipes/10258
November 10, 2012
Barely steamed broccoli florets with olive oil laced spaghetti is one sure fire meal for my kids..They'll scarf down the broccoli in its entirely before attacking the pasta
November 9, 2012
I love romanesco! It's cool to look at, and even more delicious to eat.
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